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Ataccama 16.0.0 Release Notes

Release Information


  • 16.0.0-patch1: ONE Data Quality & Catalog (ONE Web Application)

  • 16.0.0 (initial release):

    • ONE Data Quality & Catalog, including ONE Data and Data Stories

    • ONE RDM

    • ONE MDM

Release date

  • February 21, 2025 (patch1)

  • January 31, 2025 (initial release)


Security updates

Ataccama Security Advisories

Known Issues Resolved

We report known issues in each release. Below is the list of the issues that have been resolved across the platform for this version.

Module Issue Reported in


ONE-63423: The AI matching option in the MDM Web App menu is visible regardless of the feature status.


Platform Changes

Java 21 Upgrade

ONE components are now shipped with and support Java 21. All servers running ONE components need to be upgraded to Java 21 when upgrading self-managed, on-premise deployments to version 16.0.0.

Java 21 changes how the \b metacharacter behaves in ONE expressions. The metacharacter now matches ASCII word characters by default, like \w, so you might need to adjust regular expressions such as find or matches in ONE expressions to get the intended output.

For more information about the change and details about how to work around it, see Regular expressions.


Ataccama Lineage Scanners

Version 16 comes with a completely refreshed Ataccama Lineage, our native data lineage solution that lets you explore every step of your data’s journey, from creation to consumption.

You can now scan a wider array of metadata objects across a larger palette of data sources. This means you get to visualize your entire data pipeline, from data sources to ETL jobs and data destinations, including all dependencies and transformations.

Use Ataccama Lineage to better understand your data and resolve issues faster as well as easily locate and track data to ensure regulatory compliance with data protection policies.

To find out more, see Lineage.

How do I run Ataccama Lineage?

The service is available as a built-in module in ONE for sources directly accessible from Ataccama Cloud and as a standalone application running on Docker Compose for other deployment types. In addition, the standalone lineage scanner is backwards compatible and can be used to import lineage metadata to v14 LTS and v15 LTS of the platform.

What’s new in the UI?

All your lineage assets are now conveniently displayed on the Lineage Assets screen in Knowledge Catalog.

Lineage assets

To get a fuller picture of your data flow and how certain data points were calculated, you can view the data transformation context directly in the web application as well as apply data classification or data quality and anomaly detection overlays for instant insights.

Transformation context
DQ & anomaly detection overlays

To get started, create a scan plan defining details about your data source and which data you want to extract. Next, run the scan and import the results to ONE.

BigQuery Pushdown Processing

BigQuery SQL Pushdown Processing is now available. Run profiling and data quality evaluation as an SQL pushdown workload directly in BigQuery and benefit from enhanced security and performance.

For more details about how pushdown processing works and how to set it up for your connection, see BigQuery Pushdown Processing.

Review Workflow on SQL Catalog Items

You can now set up a review workflow for SQL catalog items, the same way as for other types of catalog items. This way, you can prevent accidental changes to SQL catalog items and ensure that the asset owners properly review any modifications.

Improved Usability in Data Observability Dashboards

In the issues table on Data Observability dashboards, you can now search for catalog items by their name.


Dynamic Logging Configuration in MDM Web App

Dynamically adjust logging levels in MDM Web App for issue identification and debugging purposes. To use the functionality, you need to have special permissions.

The new option is available on the Logging Configuration tab under Administration in the Admin Center.

These changes are temporary and are not saved after the application is restarted.
Logging Configuration tab

MDM Available in Spanish

You can now change the language of the application to Spanish.

To learn how to localize validation messages, see Localize validation messages.

For more information about reference data localization, see Reference data localization.



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  • ONE-66995: ONE is now available in Spanish.

  • ONE-67389: Improvements to Spanish localization.

  • ONE-67166: Added missing color for navigation background in certain themes.

  • ONE-67995: When assigning stewardship to multiple rules at once, all available groups are correctly displayed.

  • ONE-67052: Catalog items in draft status are not incorrectly shown in Data Observability when editing terms or using AQL preview.

  • ONE-67051: Improved error messaging when invalid configuration is used in Data Observability.

  • ONE-67053: When creating a rule from a BigQuery catalog item, with pushdown processing enabled, rule debugging works as expected.

Initial release
  • ONE-64935: In reconciliation projects, scheduled projects no longer fail to run due to exclusivity. Now, if a job fails, the failure reason is recorded in the Processing Center.

  • ONE-64722: Fixed the issue with running monitoring projects when anomaly detection was turned off in Global Settings > Profiling and at the same time enabled on attribute level on a catalog item in the monitoring project. Now, in such situations, no anomaly jobs are started and the monitoring project run continues, instead of getting stuck.

  • ONE-63580: In Data Observability dashboards, after the Configure data freshness option is turned on for the first time, the option no longer gets automatically disabled and the Freshness widget is correctly shown on the Data Observability dashboard.

  • ONE-63543: If you delete a monitoring project and then try to see its detail, the screen informing you that you are looking at a deleted item loads correctly.

  • ONE-63437: Filters set on Data Observability dashboards are not reset after visiting the Data observability configuration screen.

  • ONE-63431: Search field in the New freshness group dialog in data freshness configuration functions correctly when looking for a specific catalog item.

  • ONE-63228: Issues in reconciliation projects are detected correctly even when you combine automatic and manual mapping of catalog items.

  • ONE-62978: Automatic mapping of attributes in reconciliation projects is now case insensitive.

  • ONE-62709: When running data reconciliation, if the metadata import job cannot start due to an error, the error is logged and the data reconciliation run is finished instead of remaining in the running state.

  • ONE-62402: Real-time validation in ONE Data tables now works for rules using parameters of the 'List of values' and 'List of masks' data types.

  • ONE-61776: Fixed the issue where it was not possible to see monitoring project results because the project remained in the running state in the UI, despite finishing successfully in DPM. The issue was caused by adding the same catalog item twice to the same monitoring project, which is no longer possible.

  • ONE-61167: Data freshness anomaly detection jobs are not blocked by simultaneously running big jobs.

  • ONE-61104: It is not possible to use duplicate condition Explanation when creating a new DQ evaluation rule using the quick DQ rule creation flow.

  • ONE-60878: When adding a catalog item to a monitoring project configuration, the catalog item icon and name are displayed on the same lane in the Add datasets you want to monitor widget.

  • ONE-60056: After selecting +1 in the Applied on column, the Detailed results widget on the monitoring project Report tab displays all attributes to which a multi-attribute rule has been applied.

  • ONE-56492: If a data source has pushdown enabled, the source Data Quality and Data Observability (Issues table > Recommended column) tabs no longer display the Load failed records to ONE Data or Load failed records option. Loading failed records to ONE Data is a post-processing action, and these are not supported on sources with pushdown enabled.

  • ONE-65122: You can import metadata from the demo Data Stories connection.

  • ONE-64603: Labels of properties with long names break at the end of the line.

  • ONE-64501, ONE-64048: The Relations widget on the catalog item Overview screen now works with entity subtypes.

  • ONE-63889: The catalog item detail screen by default displays multiple relationship widgets.

  • ONE-63455: In Data Observability dashboards, tooltips were added to clarify terminology on the anomaly result detail screen.

  • ONE-63448: When you access Data Observability configuration from the Data Observability screen, you are redirected back to the Data Observability screen after saving or canceling your changes.

  • ONE-63437: Accessing Data Observability configuration no longer resets the filters on Data Observability dashboards.

  • ONE-63364: When a user without permission to publish accesses an entity for which a review has been requested, a task error no longer appears while viewing different entity detail tabs.

  • ONE-63170: If a task references a deleted entity, the task card shows the Entity not found error message.

  • ONE-62951: You can select only published assets when establishing parent-child relationships between entities.

  • ONE-62550: Fixed the issue where users with 'View access' would see the 'Data hidden' text and the lock icon on the Data tab only after selecting the Overview tab first.

  • ONE-62420: The Overview tab of reports generated from Data Stories sources loads correctly.

  • ONE-62401: The option to add data slices has been removed from the SQL catalog item creation flow.

  • ONE-62288: Text is correctly displayed in the Preview widget on the Overview tab of reports created from a Data Stories source.

  • ONE-62242: You can see the tasks assigned to your user group on your Tasks Overview screen.

  • ONE-62075: Filters in global search are applied correctly after the search text is updated.

  • ONE-61880: Fixed the issue where users with 'View metadata access' could enable settings (which were not saved) on certain tabs in Global Settings.

  • ONE-61844: Fixed the issue with creating custom entities where the entity property of an Embedded object array type needed to have the same value in the Name field as in the Object field; otherwise, creating an entity instance was not possible.

  • ONE-61045: Improved search indexing logic: if the search server is too busy, the request to the server is stopped after a period of time.

  • ONE-60442: The 'Upgrade to new review request workflow' warning does not appear anymore on the review workflow edit screen for environments that do not need the upgrade (that is, fresh installations and environments upgraded from versions 14.4.x and newer).

  • ONE-58142: You can click any fold in the left navigation menu to save it in pen or closed state.

  • ONE-58123: Global search bar preserves unsubmitted search queries.

  • ONE-59798: When hovering over an attribute name in the profile inspector, the tooltip text is displayed within the tooltip and does not overflow the tooltip border.

  • ONE-57232: When typing quickly, the search bar on the Sources > Connections screen does not erase parts of the query text.

  • ONE-55773: Fixed the issue with a filter dropdown flickering on the Catalog Items screen.

  • ONE-63047: Configuration properties dsl-query-preview-query-pattern and dsl-query-import-metadata-query-pattern on MSSQL WITH NOLOCK data sources now work correctly.

  • ONE-62358: Server data sources (DQIT, RDM, MDM, Runtime) no longer have unlimited maximum age.

  • ONE-62615: Metadata import jobs and browsing on Databricks run as expected.

  • ONE-62037: Parquet File Writer works without issues on Windows.

  • ONE-59253: Import driver properties are correctly displayed in the UI.

  • ONE-58448: Matches Mask parametrized rule works correctly in Snowflake pushdown DQ.

  • ONE-55826: Correct error message appears in case of invalid driver properties in Azure MSSQL connection.

  • ONE-55717: Assumed Role field is correctly hidden in AWS Access Key credentials overview.

  • ONE-55351: JSON path is correctly hidden in Key Vault credentials overview.

  • ONE-52558: Data Export & Transformations tab is not available for Power BI Report Configuration Items and Tableau.

  • ONE-43640: When running profiling on an SQL catalog item in Snowflake pushdown, the system no longer searches for the table in the working database if the fully qualified name is not provided.

  • ONE-48924: Driver properties are correctly persisted after connection edits.

  • ONE-64340: Fixed the issue with profiling DB2 catalog items with a date field present.


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  • ONE-64122: Purge operation correctly deletes proposals marked as no longer existing.

  • ONE-62812, ONE-63107, ONE-62802, ONE-62182, ONE-61383: Fixed several MDM Web App UI issues.

  • ONE-63747: The Login Error message is now displayed in case of a Too many redirects error when accessing the MDM Admin Center.

  • ONE-63160: AI Matching can be turned off in MDM Ataccama Cloud deployments.

  • ONE-62575: Fixed an issue where actions were not available for records without a configured label.

  • ONE-62494: The Preview option on the Task detail Draft tab for merging instances functions as expected.

  • ONE-57556: Fixed an issue where empty values were incorrectly filtered out in the MDM Web App.

  • ONE-62451: Discarding changes on a master party while a field is still focused no longer results in an error.

  • ONE-62252: MDM history export works as expected.

  • ONE-61856: Fixed an issue where the VersionedFileSystem did not remove outdated file versions after a reload.

  • ONE-55389, ONE-54081, ONE-54082: Improved permission checks to prevent unauthorized data access.

  • ONE-52686: The path to the file is now configurable.

  • ONE-52383: If there are custom permissions defined on a Boolean column, trying to view data no longer result in SQL exceptions due to incorrect value translation.


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  • ONE-63107: The Restore defaults option in web application dialogs is no longer hidden behind other action buttons.

  • ONE-63747: The Login Error message is now displayed in case of a Too many redirects error when accessing the Admin Center.

  • ONE-62616: The RDM Workflow step configuration shows all fields a user has permission to view and not only those they can edit.

ONE Runtime Server

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  • ONE-63384: Added a Max Parallel Workflows property to the Runtime Server Workflow component to let you set a global limit on simultaneous workflow instances, helping you manage excessive workflow starts by the Notifications Handler.

  • ONE-63818: Fixed the issue with Runtime Server showing only the first 1000 lines of logs even in the case of a failed start.

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