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Create Custom Attributes

Custom attributes allow you to personalize metrics or dimensions and provides more flexibility to your visualizations. With an array of functions and expressions available, you can transform data to fit your specific needs and insights.

Practice with different functions and expressions to find what works best for your data and your audience. For more information about the functions and operators available in Data Stories, see Supported functions and operators.
From 15.3.0, Data Stories leverages data protection classification that prevents unauthorized access to protected data, as signaled by visual indicators (lock icons) and notifications. For information about how this impacts attribute customization when working with a visualization, see Data Protection Classification in Data Stories.


To create a custom attribute:

  1. Open your visualization.

  2. In Attributes, select Create > Dimension or Metric.

    create custom attributes create dimension metric button
    • Enter a name and an expression using the supported functions and arithmetic operations with the columns in your dataset.

    • Select Create.

      Your custom metric or dimension is now added to the attributes list with the symbol Fx.

      create custom attributes fx attribute edit delete
  3. To view how it is displayed in the chart, drag and drop your custom attribute into the Metrics or Dimensions column (in Visualization view).

    create custom attributes drag drop to chart

To create additional attributes, select Create > Dimension or Metric and repeat the previous steps.

If you create a new visualization using the same dataset, the custom attribute (Fx) you just created appears listed in the attribute list for that new visualization.


Expressions fall into three categories:

  • Column expression: Returns a column shape, for example, "column_name" + 3.

    Used for dimensions.

  • Scalar expression: Returns a single value (per group of rows), for example, count("column_name").

    Used for metrics.

  • Literal expression: Returns a literal value, for example, 2+2. Literal expressions involve operators and are a way of including static or constant values in your calculations.

    Used both for dimensions and metrics.


Dimensions enable customization of column and literal expressions, which consolidate virtual columns through transformations of the original dataset columns.

Some examples are:

  • Rounding values to decimal places: Use the round() function to round a specific column to the desired number of decimal places.

    round("ConfirmedPerc", 2)
  • Positive values only: Use functions such as iff() to keep only positive values and set others to 0.

    iff("ConfirmedPerc" > 0, "ConfirmedPerc", 0)
  • Replace specific values: For example, you can replace the different variations of the word Chocolate with a standard value in a product list.

    regexp_replace("ProductName", '[Cc]hoco.*', 'Chocolate', 'g')
  • Complex calculations: Create more intricate transformations by extracting numerical portions of data and performing arithmetic operations.

    int(concat(regexp_replace(regexp_replace("named_by", '.*\(', '\1'),'[^0-9]*', '\1'),'0')) / 1000 + 1


Metrics allow for custom scalar and literal expressions, providing insights through aggregations and other calculations. Scalar expressions return a single value (per group of rows).

Some examples include:

  • Aggregation functions: Compute various metrics, like average, sum, maximum, and minimum.

  • Counting distinct values: Use count_distinct() to return the number of unique non-NULL values in a column or expression.

  • Running totals: The c-sum() function allows you to see the cumulative sum over time or other series or progressions.

  • Standard deviation: Assesses the dispersion of a dataset.

  • Regression analysis: Functions like regr_intercept() and regr_slope() enable linear regression analysis.

    regr_intercept("dependent_var", "independent_var")
    regr_slope("dependent_var", "independent_var")
Always keep the complexity of your expressions in check to ensure optimal performance and readability.

Supported functions and operators

In Data Stories, functions for custom attributes are designed to work with several database engines, and as a result, they might not be an exact, 1:1 match with SQL or Snowflake functions. While this makes Data Stories more flexible and user-friendly, it also means you might encounter some differences from what you’re used to.

Transformation functions

These functions always maintain the column input type. They can be used for Dimensions but not for Metrics.

Transformation function Description


Computes the absolute value, removing any negative sign.


Compares multiple values and returns the largest of the specified values (row-wise).


Casts a value to the INT datatype, truncating any decimal portion.


Acts as a ternary operator, allowing conditional logic similar to an SQL CASE statement.


Compares multiple values and returns the smallest of the specified values (row-wise).


Replaces substrings matching a regex pattern with another value, enabling advanced text manipulation.


Rounds a float value to a specified number of decimal places. Useful for controlling numerical precision.

Aggregation functions

These functions always create a scalar, no matter the input. They can be used for Metrics but not for Dimensions.

Aggregation function Description


Calculates the average of the set of values included in a column or expression stated, by dividing their sum by the count of non-NULL values.

For this function to work as expected, the input values should be of integer type. The result is always an integer number rounded down.


Returns the number of cells that contain numbers or non-NULL expression values in a column or expression. You can use it to get the number of entries in a number field that is in a range or array of numbers.


Returns the number of unique (distinct) non-NULL values in a column or expression stated.

c-sum() (or running totals)

Displays the total sum of data as it grows over time (or any other series or progression). In other words, the function allows you to view the total accumulation of a given measure with the passing of time.

  1. When you select C-SUM, you are prompted to define sorting and sorting method Ascending (ASC) or Descending (DESC) so the cumulative sum can be displayed correctly. See Build a Visualization, section Sort values.

  2. When you select the sorting method, it is reflected in the chart showing how the total has evolved over time.

    This function is only available for Bar, Multiseries Bar, Line, Multiseries Line, and Category chart types.

    For the functionality to work as expected, you should only select Date as a dimension.


Returns the largest value (of non-NULL values) in the column or expression stated.


Returns the smallest value (of non-NULL values) in the column or expression stated.


Computes the intercept of the linear regression line, indicating the value of the dependent variable when all independent variables are 0.


Calculates the slope of the linear regression line, representing the rate of change in the dependent variable for each unit change in the independent variable.


Returns the standard deviation of non-NULL records in the column or expression stated.


Returns the sum of non-NULL values in the column or expression stated.

For Boolean arguments, this function can perform the logical sum (OR), for example: sum(true, true, false) = true.

Supported binary operators

These operators allow you to include constant values in your custom attributes. They can be used in both Dimensions and Metrics.

In the following table, a and b represent the columns from the dataset you want to operate with.

The syntax you should use is as follows:

  • Column names must be delimited by double quotes ("column_name").

  • Strings must be delimited by single quotes (`string`).

Operator Usage Description


a - b

Subtraction of column values a and b.


a / b

Division of column values a and b.


a * b

Multiplication of column values a and b.


a + b

Addition of column values a and b, or string concatenation.


a > b

Comparison of column values. Checks if a is greater than b.


a < b

Comparison of column values. Checks if a is less than b.


a = b

Comparison of column values. Checks if a equals b.


a != b

Comparison of column values. Checks if a does not equal b.

For more details about specific functions, check the official Snowflake documentation.

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