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Data Freshness Custom Configuration

For information about how to use the Freshness feature in Data Observability, see Data Observability.
This is an experimental feature and as such upgradability cannot be guaranteed. Connection methods for unsupported data sources and custom configurations might change with later releases.

For the sources that support freshness by default (Snowflake, PostgreSQL, BiqQuery, and Oracle), it is not necessary to modify connection settings unless you want to: for example, if you have a custom definition for freshness within the database.

If you do have a custom freshness definition, or want to check freshness on items in databases which are not supported, it is possible to add additional configuration by selecting Modify connections settings.


Freshness checks are implemented using SQL to query database metadata tables or user tables. When database metadata tables are being queried, the required info is already exposed by database engines, as is the case with the data sources that support data freshness by default. Querying user tables means users can mimic freshness arbitrarily, using queries which produce predefined results.

Both options share the same configuration structure. The default per database engine is configured in driver properties and is used as fallback when user configuration is not supplied with the job data.

Freshness configuration

Driver level configuration is present for database engines supporting table modification timestamp natively where supported drivers are:

  • PostgreSQL

  • MS SQL

  • Oracle

  • Snowflake

  • BigQuery

  • Azure Synapse

Remaining drivers do not support it natively.

PostgreSQL implementation is based on commit timestamps which is row level data. Thus deleting rows in fact doesn’t contribute to freshness, it might even distort it if applied on most recently changed rows.

Driver level

This configuration is part of DPE properties and available for customization in the DPM Admin Console.

It is expressed with the following properties:

Property Description<driver>.freshness.enabled<driver>.freshness.chunkSize

Size of catalog item batch sent in single freshness query.

Can be set as low as 1 if you want to send individual queries for each catalog item.

Default value: 1000.<driver>.freshness.supported-query

SQL query returning supported as Boolean (true).

  • When true is not present, freshness is considered as implicitly supported.

  • When false is returned, the job fails.<driver>.freshness.prepare-query

SQL statement without result, prepares the database session for freshness query.<driver>.freshness.clean-query

SQL statement without result, counterpart for actions in prepare-query.<driver>.freshness.check-query.pattern

Property defining custom freshness query (see Custom freshness).<driver>.freshness.check-query.schema-sub-pattern

Property defining custom freshness query (see Custom freshness).<driver>.freshness.check-query.schema-delimiter

Property defining custom freshness query (see Custom freshness).<driver>.freshness.check-query.table-sub-pattern

Property defining custom freshness query (see Custom freshness).<driver>.freshness.check-query.table-delimiter

Property defining custom freshness query (see Custom freshness).

The freshness query is composed from list of schema.table paths (originPath in MMM) so that:

  1. Tables are grouped by schema.

  2. table-sub-pattern with {table} and {schema} placeholders is applied for all tables in group, result joined by table-delimiter and used further for {tables} placeholder.

  3. schema-sub-pattern with {tables} and {schema} placeholders is applied for all groups, result joined by schema-delimiter and used further for {schemas} placeholder.

  4. pattern with {schemas} placeholder is substituted and used as final query.

The query returns the columns:

  • name as varchar, containing the schema.table to match with catalog item.

  • modified_ts as timestamp with timezone - the last modification on table.

Job level configuration

The configuration is analogous using following gRPC properties of ataccama.dppapi.freshness.FreshnessConfig:

  • enabled

  • chunkSize

  • supportedQuery

  • prepareQuery

  • cleanQuery

  • checkQueryPattern

  • checkQuerySchemaSubPattern

  • checkQuerySchemaDelimiter

  • checkQueryTableSubPattern

  • checkQueryTableDelimiter

Custom freshness

This option is for when you want to define freshness in your own terms (that is, query user tables). You need to create a custom freshness configuration, with the following properties defined.

Example 1: Where clause per schema

A simple freshness setup based on table holding name and modified_ts, with input {schema1}.{table11},{schema1}.{table12}, …​ ,{schema2}.{table21},{schema2}.{table22}, …​.

select name, modified_ts from freshness
-- schema 1
(table_schema='{schema1}' and table_name in ('{table11}','{table12}',...)) OR
-- schema 2
(table_schema='{schema2}' and table_name in ('{table21}','{table22}',...))

Would be configured as:

  • pattern=select name, modified_ts from freshness where {schemas}

  • schema-sub-pattern:(table_schema='{schema}' and table_name in ({tables}))

  • schema-delimiter:\\ OR\\

  • table-sub-pattern:'{table}'

  • table-delimiter:,

Provide these properties either to DPE or in ONE after selecting Modify connection settings.

Example 2: Query per schema

-- schema 1
select name, modified_ts from {schema1}.freshness
where table_name in ('{table11}','{table12}',...)) UNION ALL
-- schema 2
select name, modified_ts from {schema2}.freshness
where table_name in ('{table21}','{table22}',...))
select * from
where table_schema='{schema2}' and table_name in ('{table21}','{table22}',...)

Would be configured as:

  • pattern={schemas}

  • schema-sub-pattern:schema-sub-pattern=select name, modified_ts from {schema}.freshness where table_name in ({tables})

  • schema-delimiter:\ UNION ALL\

  • table-sub-pattern:'{table}'

  • table-delimiter:,

Example 3: Per table freshness

This example is adapted for PostgreSQL.

This example has the same drawback as PostgreSQL commit timestamps: it’s based on rows and as such doesn’t capture deletes (unless we employ soft-delete, that is, keeping rows just marked as deleted).
-- table 1
select '{schema1}.{table11}' as name, max(timestamp_ts) as modified_ts
from "{schema1}"."{table11}" UNION ALL
-- table 2
select '{schema1}.{table12}' as name, max(timestamp_ts) as modified_ts
from "{schema1}"."{table12}" UNION ALL

Would be configured as:

  • pattern={schemas}

  • schema-sub-pattern:{tables}

  • schema-delimiter:\ UNION ALL\

  • table-sub-pattern:select '{schema}.{table}' as name, max(timestamp_ts) as modified_ts from "{schema}"."{table}"

  • table-delimiter:\ UNION ALL\

When the tables don’t have uniform structure, you can create views that provide it and reference them in from clause using, for example, "{schema1}"."{table11}_freshness_view".

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