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Custom Relationships

This page describes how to configure relationships between entities in ONE. Relationships are then shown on the Relationships graph.

Create custom relationships between entities

To create a relationship between two objects, you need an entity that explains the type of relationship between these objects. To create this entity:

  1. Go to Global Settings > Metadata Model.

  2. Select Create entity.

    Metadata model
  3. Provide the following information:

    Connection entity
    1. Name: A meaningful name for the entity that would explain the type of connection.

      For example, if the custom relationship is between two attributes, you can name the entity attributesRelationship.
    2. Add the following properties. Set them as mandatory and choose Referenced object as the property type.

      1. Source: Points to the source of the relationship (the arrow tail), referencing attribute.

      2. Target: Points to the target of the relationship (the arrow head), referencing attribute.

      3. Type: Specifies the relationship by referencing the relationshipType entity.

      4. (Optional) Order: In this case, the property type is Integer.

    3. Specify the trait relationships:relationshipNode, where the source, target, and type parameters are configured as follows:

      relationships entity trait
      Make sure that the parameters reference the correct values for sourceProperty, targetProperty, and relationshipTypeProperty, depending on the relationship you are creating.
  4. Select Save.

  5. Go to Global Settings > Metadata Model and open the metadata entity.

  6. Select Add Property and set the following information:

    1. Name: Property name. You can use the name of the new entity.

    2. Type: Embedded object array.

    3. Object: Select the entity that you have previously created (steps 1-4):

      Add property
  7. Select Save.

  8. Navigate to the Global Settings > System Changes and publish the changes.

    This includes switching to the maintenance mode, creating a database backup, and resolving any potential conflicts. For more information and step-by-step instructions, see System Changes, section Run and publish changes.
  9. Once the upgrade is complete and the application switches back to the application mode, a new tab is displayed in the main menu.

    Navigation menu result
    You can move this tab to another position within the navigation menu, or hide it. For more information, see The Left Navigation Menu.
  10. To set a new relationship between two attributes, on the newly added tab (Attributes Relationships), select Create and then set the relationship source and target entities, as well as the relationship type and order.

    For example:

    create new relationship
    For more information about relationship types, see Configure Relationship Types.

Visualize relationships on the graph

To see custom relationships on the graph, modify the graph settings.

  1. Go to Global Settings > Metadata Model.

  2. Open the entity for which you want to enable configuring the relationship graph. For example, if a custom relationship is established between attributes, you need to edit the attribute entity.

  3. In Traits, select Add Mmd trait and add the trait relationships:enabled.

    relationships:enabled trait
  4. Select Save.

  5. Go to the Global Settings > System Changes and publish the changes.

    This includes switching to the maintenance mode, creating a database backup, and resolving any potential conflicts. For more information and step-by-step instructions, see System Changes, section Run and publish changes.
  6. Once the upgrade is complete and the application switches back to the application mode, you can proceed with configuring how the graph is visualized. For more information, see Configure Graph Visualization.

    In the Allowed relationship nodes section, make sure to add the relationship type entity that you created earlier. For example, if you have created a custom relationships between attributes, add the node attributesRelationship.

    Allowed relationship nodes

    After you have configured the new graph visualization, the custom relationships can be seen on the Relationships graph.

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