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MDM Project Local Server Configuration Testing

After you deploy MDM, a default runtime server configuration is used and no further action is required.

However, if you are preparing a project for Ataccama Cloud and you need to add a new server configuration, for local testing purposes and to expose certain configuration options, cloud.runtimeCfg and cloud.serverConfig files are provided in the Files/etc folder of the MDM template project. You can use these files to test configurations locally before propagating them to your production environment.

To learn how to run a local environment, see MDM Example Project.

To use these files instead of the default configuration, start the local testing environment using the start-mdm-server-cloud-local.bat script available in the MDM project template.

Local environments should also contain and use the pathvariables-local.xml file in the runtime folder.

mdm-start-server.bat file in the Files folder

Excerpt configuration options

Under this setup, you can configure the following server components via XML files located in the runtime folder of your project:

  • onlineservices.xml: Lets you configure the Online Services component. For example, you can specify a custom folder for services configuration files: <configFolder>../MyOnlineServices</configFolder>. The default (reserved) value for this property is: onlineServices.

    For more information, see Online Services Component.

  • workflows.xml: Lets you configure the Workflow component. For example, you can specify a path to the definition and ID of custom workflows: <sourceConfigBean path="../custom_workflows" id="CUSTOM"/>. The default (reserved) value for these properties are:

  • schedulers.xml: Lets you configure the Scheduler component. For example, you can specify a path to the definition and ID of custom schedulers: <sourceConfigBean path="../custom_schedulers" id="CUSTOM"/>. The default (reserved) value for these properties are:

  • intercepturls.xml: Lets you configure the intercept URLs configuration of the HTTP Dispatcher component. This is done via the following properties: <interceptUrl access="…​" pattern="…​"/>.

    • pattern: Specifies the location of the service to secure.

    • access: Specifies the access conditions to the endpoint specified by pattern.

      For more information, see HTTP Dispatcher, Intercept URLs section.

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