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MDM 15.3.0 Upgrade Notes

Improved validation in ONE Desktop

We have introduced new validation checks for configuring workflows, tasks, and permissions in ONE Desktop. After the upgrade, some configurations that were previously considered valid might now trigger validation errors, even though they can still be deployed and run without issues.

Review validation errors that appear after the upgrade and correct the configurations as necessary.

New Prometheus metrics

We have added two Prometheus metrics for monitoring thread pool performance:

  • dqc_threadpool_threads_created_total: Total threads created in the pool.

  • dqc_threadpool_threads_finished_total: Total threads that have completed execution.

The difference between these metrics shows the current number of active threads, which helps with load monitoring.

Configuration changelog

This section provides the information about the changes in the configuration files that need to be taken into account when upgrading the solution. In certain cases, the newly introduced default is used or some configuration is required.

The following table lists the configuration files that were added, changed, or removed.

Added files Changed files Removed files


  • MDM Server



The following sections list the changes in the files: added, changed, and removed properties.

MDM Web App

Added properties

  • - the default value is MINIMAL, see MDM Server Application Properties, section MDM Features.

  • InList operation settings (applies only to PostgreSQL databases), see MDM Server Application Properties, section Database performance.

    • - the default value is 40.

    • - the default value is 60.

  • Rate limiter configuration for MDM REST APIs, MDM Server Application Properties, section Rate limiter.

    • ataccama.server.ratelimiter.enabled

    • ataccama.server.ratelimiter.http.<limiter>.urls

    • resilience4j.ratelimiter.instances.<RateLimiterName>.limit-for-period

    • resilience4j.ratelimiter.instances.<RateLimiterName>.limit-refresh-period

    • resilience4j.ratelimiter.instances.<RateLimiterName>.timeout-duration

    • resilience4j.ratelimiter.instances.<RateLimiterName>.register-health-indicator

  • Performance tuning of the MDM load balancer, see MDM Server Application Properties, section HA configuration.

    • - the default value is 10.

    • - the default value is 200.

  • - the default value is 'false', see MDM Server Application Properties, section Task configuration.

Changed properties

  • - the only available value is 'db'.

Removed properties


Removed properties

  • InList operation settings

    • nme.vldb.inList.commitSize

    • nme.db.inList.commitSize

  • nme.taskExecutor.debug

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