MDM Configuration Best Practices to Prevent Data Loss
The MDM Server includes the MDM engine and the embedded Runtime Server. Certain features of these components involve storing temporary data on the file system.
In some deployment types, you need to configure these functionalities to use persistent storage instead of the file system to avoid data loss. These deployments scenarios are:
Cloud deployments.
High-availability deployments.
Deployments where a disaster recovery mechanism is used.
If you are running MDM in one of the listed deployment scenarios, make sure to adjust the following functionalities and their specific configurations.
MDM Engine
- Event handlers
When configuring event handlers, use the database persistence as a persistence type. For more information, see Processors, section Event handler persistence.
- History plugin
When configuring the history plugin, use the database persistence type. For more information, see MDM Server Application Properties, section History plugin configuration.
- Streaming
When defining the error handling strategy, ensure that Log to File is not used as the error handler consumer. For more information, see Configuring Stream Consumers, section Configure an error handling strategy.
- Initial load checkpoints
To ensure the initial load checkpoints are retained in cloud deployments, store the checkpoint directory on a persistent volume. For more information, see Initial Load Operation, section Resumable initial load checkpoints.
Embedded Runtime Server
- Workflow
When configuring workflows, use the Database state storage provider. For more information, see Workflow Component, section Database state storage provider.
- Scheduler
When configuring the scheduler, use the Database persister. For more information, see Scheduler Server Component, section Database persister.
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