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When run in the High Availability mode, each MDM node exposes a REST API, which can be used to check cluster and node status, connect and disconnect nodes, and perform other administrative and monitoring functions.

The API root endpoint is /ha/rest/.

Method Endpoint Description



Returns an array of all MDM nodes connected to the cluster and their modes.



Returns information about the MDM node specified in the nodeName parameter.



Returns information about this MDM node.



Returns the array of last 500 messages from the database logger. Available URL queries:

  • originFilter: /log?originFilter=Mdc7

  • messageFilter: /log?messageFilter=Merge

  • levelFilter: /log?levelFilter=FATAL

Origin and message filter can use * as a wildcard.



Manually set a new Active (RW) node.



Connect this MDM node to the cluster.



Disconnect this MDM node from the cluster.

Sample /clusterStatus Response
    "hostname": "",
    "name": "Mdc7",
    "ports": {
      "ha_nme_rest": 19090,
      "ha_default": 18101
    "revokeLeadershipOnDisconnectTimeout": 75000,
    "maxActiveToPassiveSwitchingTime": 5000,
    "loggerDataSourceUrl": "",
    "loggerTableName": "ha_log",
    "mode": "PASSIVE"
    "hostname": "",
    "name": "mdc6",
    "ports": {
      "ha_nme_rest": 19090,
      "ha_default": 18101
    "revokeLeadershipOnDisconnectTimeout": 75000,
    "maxActiveToPassiveSwitchingTime": 5000,
    "mode": "ACTIVE"
Sample /log Response
    "id": 50206219,
    "origin": "mdc7",
    "time": 1518004252551,
    "level": "INFO",
    "message": "Task Batch load \"crm_full\" #1 has finished successfully.",
    "stacktrace": null
    "id": 50206218,
    "origin": "mdc7",
    "time": 1518004252521,
    "level": "INFO",
    "message": "#1 Committing has finished.",
    "stacktrace": null
    "id": 50206217,
    "origin": "mdc7",
    "time": 1518004252405,
    "level": "INFO",
    "message": "#1 Committing - NmePersistentMasterType(PANKRAC.child) has finished (3 record(s)).",
    "stacktrace": null
    "id": 50206216,
    "origin": "mdc7",
    "time": 1518004252388,
    "level": "INFO",
    "message": "#1 Committing - NmePersistentMasterType(PANKRAC.child) has started.",
    "stacktrace": null

Connection states (part of node info) that are provided by the Curator:

  • CONNECTED - MDM is connected to the cluster.

  • SUSPENDED - The quorum is lost; the node is trying to restore the connection.

  • RECONNECTED - Connection was successfully restored (from the SUSPENDED state).

  • LOST - Connection is not available; that is, the connection was not successfully restored (from the SUSPENDED state).

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