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Task Configuration

A typical nme-task.gen.xml file looks as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <taskConfig oldDqitDataSource="it_db">
            <workflow name="consolidation">
                    <step isFirst="true" name="draft"/>
                    <step name="waiting_for_publish"/>
                    <transition name="move_publish" origin="draft" target="waiting_for_publish"/>
                    <transition name="return_draft" origin="waiting_for_publish" target="draft"/>
            <!--other workflows-->
        <defaultValues description="Specify what should be fixed within the task created" groupAssignee="MDM_user" name="Task" severity="low" userAssignee="" workflowName="consolidation"/>
            <type name="RECORD_CHANGE">
                <defaultValues description="Click on record edit to fix DQ issues." groupAssignee="MDM_user" name="Resolve DQ issues" userAssignee="" workflowName="consolidation" severity="INTERMEDIATE"/>
                    <defaultValues description="Task description" entityName="party" expression="'Edit instance party ' + src_first_name + ' ' + src_last_name + ' ' + src_company_name" groupAssignee="MDM_user" name="" userAssignee="" workflowName="consolidation" severity="HIGH"/>
                    <defaultValues description="Task description" entityName="address" expression="'Edit instance address ' + src_street + ' ' + src_city + ' ' + src_state" groupAssignee="MDM_user" name="" userAssignee="" workflowName="consolidation" severity="LOW"/>
                    <masterlayer name="masters">
                            <defaultValues description="Click on record edit to start fixing DQ issues." entityName="party" expression="'Edit person ' + cmo_first_name + ' ' + cmo_last_name" groupAssignee="MDM_user" name="" userAssignee="" workflowName="consolidation" severity="INTERMEDIATE"/>
            <type name="MATCHING_PROPOSAL">
                <defaultValues description="Resolve matching proposal(s) specified in this task." groupAssignee="MDM_admin" name="Resolve matching proposals" userAssignee="" workflowName="consolidation" severity="INTERMEDIATE"/>
                    <defaultValues description="Provider matching proposal" entityName="provider_proposal_k" expression="'Matching proposal ' + master_id + ' ' + related_master_id" groupAssignee="MDM_user" name="" userAssignee="" workflowName="consolidation" severity="INTERMEDIATE"/>
            <!--other task types-->


The <workflows> section contains the workflow configuration.

  • <workflow>: Defines the workflow.

    • name: The name of the workflow.

  • <step>: Defines workflow steps.

    • isFirst (Boolean): Specifies if the step represents the initial state. false or not specified for all the steps except the first one.

    • name: The name of the step.

  • <transitions>: Possible transitions between steps. The <transition> attributes are:

    • name: The name of the transition.

    • origin: The name of the initial state. Only the names defined in the <steps> section can be used.

    • target: The name of the target state. Only the names defined in the <steps> section can be used.

    • groupAssignee(optional): The name of the group to which the task is assigned. It is filled if the transition from origin to target happens.

    • userAssignee(optional): The name of the user to whom the task is assigned. It is filled if the transition from origin to target happens.

Task type

The <taskTypes> section defines the default values for specific types of tasks created for specific entities on instance and master layers.

  • <type>: Defines the task type.

    • name: Name of the task type. Possible values are RECORD_CHANGE, MANUAL_MATCH, MATCHING_PROPOSAL, CREATE, GENERIC.

Default values

The <defaultValues> section specifies the default values. They can be defined on three levels.

The values defined on the highest level are used if there are no more specific default values.

    <defaultValues description="Specify what should be fixed within the task created" groupAssignee="MDM_user" name="Task" severity="low" userAssignee="" workflowName="consolidation"/>

The second level of defaultValues is used when the task type of the created task matches type name.

      <type name="RECORD_CHANGE">
            <defaultValues description="Click on record edit to fix DQ issues." groupAssignee="MDM_user" name="Resolve DQ issues" userAssignee="" workflowName="consolidation" severity="INTERMEDIATE"/>

The lowest level of defaultValues is used when the type of the task and the entity name match type name and entityName. Can be used on the instance layer (<instanceLayerDefaultValues>), master layers (<masterLayerDefaultValues>), and matching proposal layers (<proposalLayerDefaultValues>, only for matching proposal task type).

An example of the default values configuration (except matching proposals tasks):

                    <defaultValues description="Task description" entityName="party" expression="'Edit instance party ' + src_first_name + ' ' + src_last_name + ' ' + src_company_name" groupAssignee="MDM_user" name="" userAssignee="" workflowName="consolidation" severity="HIGH"/>
                    <defaultValues description="Task description" entityName="address" expression="'Edit instance address ' + src_street + ' ' + src_city + ' ' + src_state" groupAssignee="MDM_user" name="" userAssignee="" workflowName="consolidation" severity="LOW"/>
                    <masterlayer name="masters">
                            <defaultValues description="Click on record edit to start fixing DQ issues." entityName="party" expression="'Edit person ' + cmo_first_name + ' ' + cmo_last_name" groupAssignee="MDM_user" name="" userAssignee="" workflowName="consolidation" severity="INTERMEDIATE"/>

An example of the matching proposal default value configuration:

        <defaultValues description="Provider matching proposal" entityName="provider_proposal_k" expression="'Matching proposal ' + master_id + ' ' + related_master_id" groupAssignee="MDM_user" name="" userAssignee="" workflowName="consolidation" severity="INTERMEDIATE"/>

<defaultValues> attributes are:

  • description: The description of the task.

  • entityName: The name of the entity.

  • expression: Specifies the expression that is used to form the task name (only available on the lowest layer).

  • groupAssignee: The name of the group to which the task is assigned.

  • userAssignee: The name of the user to whom the task is assigned.

  • name: The name of the task.

  • workflowName: The name of the workflow.

  • severity: The level of severity of the issue. Possible values are LOW, INTERMEDIATE, HIGH.

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