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Adding Databases Synchronized with RDM

RDM can synchronize reference data in its repository with any other defined databases. This article explains how to add such a database to your RDM project and define a data model for it, that is, specify tables in that database that will be synchronized. The synchronization task itself is described in Configuring Synchronization with External Databases.

Step 1 Define a new connected system

  1. Define a database connection in ONE Desktop: switch to the File Explorer view, right-click Databases > New Database Connection. See Databases, section Connect to a Database.

  2. Switch back to the Model Explorer and in Connected Systems > Databases, right-click Databases > New system.

  3. Fill in External database attributes.

  4. Select OK to save changes.

External database attributes

Attribute Mandatory Description

System name


Name of the external database.

Database connection


Name of a previously defined external database connection.



Description of the database.



Allows adding external database tables (can be added via XMI or database metadata import). See the next step.



Allows adding relationships between external database tables (can be added via XMI or database metadata import). See the next step.

Step 2 Build the external database data model

After defining a database to synchronize with, it is necessary to build and define the data model for it. At least one table should be defined.

As with the RDM data model, this can be done in three ways:

  • Manually create the model by creating tables and relationships between them.

  • Import database metadata.

  • Import the model from a modeling tool.

See Creating the RDM Data Model for more information.

External database table attributes

Attribute Mandatory Description

Table name


Name of the table in the external database.

Synchronize with RDM table


Name of the corresponding table in the RDM model.

Synchronize periodicity


Specifies the frequency of synchronization. For documentation purposes only.



Description of the table.

Input columns


Allows defining external database attributes:

  • Name - Name of the column in the external database table.

  • Type - Data type of the column (see Domains, section Domain attributes, for data type descriptions).

  • Mapped rdm column name - Name of the counterpart column in the RDM table with which the column in the external database table is synchronized.

  • Database type - Database data type of the column.

  • Required - Specifies whether records can have this column empty.



Attributes (ideally primary keys) that allow determining corresponding records in the RDM table and the external database table:

  • RDM table column - Key in the RDM table.

  • System table column - Key in the external database table.

External database relationship attributes

Attribute Mandatory Description



Name of the relationship.

Parent table


Name of the parent table.

Child table


Name of the child table.

Foreign key


Defines the relationship between the parent and child system table:

  • Parent column - Name of the column defining the relationship in the parent table.

  • Child column - Name of the column defining the relationship in the child table.

Make sure you add database connections to the Runtime Configuration of your Runtime Server to have them available to the server.

You can always export this configuration as a valid runtime configuration XML via File > Export > search for Runtime Configuration. See Export and Import Runtime Configuration.

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