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How to Create an MN Relationship in RDM

MN relationships in RDM are not defined in the RDM Logical Model > Relationships node. Instead, this type of a relationship is implemented via a MNREFERENCES domain type assigned to a child table.

To create an MN relationship:

  1. Create a domain as described in Domains, with the Type attribute set to MNREFERENCES and Foreign key table attribute set to the parent table.

  2. Optionally, set a Validation message.

  3. Assign the created domain to the related column in the child table (RDM Logical Model > Tables > [Table] (double-click) > Columns tab).

  4. Go to the parent table and switch to the Validations tab.

  5. In the Unique Keys section, add a new unique key with an arbitrary name and add a column from which the data will be read to the child table.

  6. Check the Primary key.

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