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RDM 15.3.0 Upgrade Notes

Configure Publish option

From 15.3.0, the Publish option, which lets authorized users publish their changes immediately when creating or editing a record, is no longer available by default. Instead, it must be configured first.

To do this, edit the App Variables node so that the Enable direct publish parameter is selected. Save your changes.

For more information, see App Variables.

Configuration changelog

This section provides the information about the changes in the configuration files that need to be taken into account when upgrading the solution. In certain cases, the newly introduced default is used or some configuration is required.

The following table lists the changes in the files: added, changed, and removed properties.

Configuration file Added properties Changed properties Removed properties

  • (Optional) - The default number of records returned in a single REST API request. To have more records returned, provide a new number in the request itself (must be lower than max-count). The default value is 30.

  • (Optional) - The maximum number of records that can be returned in a single REST API request. How many records are returned is defined in the count field of the filter parameter for each request (must be lower than max-count). Default value: 1000.

    For details, refer to RDM Application Properties.



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