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RDM Project Local Server Configuration Testing

After you deploy RDM, a default runtime server configuration is used and no further action is required.

However, if you are preparing a project for Ataccama Cloud and you need to add a new server configuration, for local testing purposes and to expose certain configuration options, cloud.runtimeCfg and cloud.serverConfig files are provided in the Files/etc folder of the RDM template project. You can use these files to test configurations locally before propagating them to your production environment.

To learn how to run a local environment, see RDM Example Project.

To use these files instead of the default configuration, start the local testing environment using the start-rdm-server-cloud-local.bat script available in the RDM project template. To stop the environment, use the stop-server.bat script.

Local environments should also contain and use the pathvariables-local.xml file in the runtime folder.

rdm project local testing start server script
rdm project local testing stop server script

Excerpt configuration options

Under this setup, you can configure the following server components via XML files located in the runtime folder of your project:

  • onlineservices.xml: Lets you configure the Online Services component. For example, you can specify a custom folder for services configuration files: <configFolder>../MyOnlineServices</configFolder>. The default (reserved) value for this property is: onlineServices.

  • workflows.xml: Lets you configure the Workflow component. For example, you can specify a path to the definition and ID of custom workflows: <sourceConfigBean path="../custom_workflows" id="CUSTOM"/>. The default (reserved) value for these properties are:

  • schedulers.xml: Lets you configure the Scheduler component. For example, you can specify a path to the definition and ID of custom schedulers: <sourceConfigBean path="../custom_schedulers" id="CUSTOM"/>. The default (reserved) value for these properties are:

  • intercepturls.xml: Lets you configure the intercept URLs configuration of the HTTP Dispatcher component. This is done via the following properties: <interceptUrl access="…​" pattern="…​"/>.

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