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Ataccama 14.5.1 Release Notes

This page contains the release notes for version 14.5.1 of the Ataccama ONE Gen2 platform.

Release Information


ONE Data Governance, ONE Data Quality and Governance, ONE RDM, ONE MDM, ONE Data, Data Stories

Release date



Security updates

Ataccama Security Advisories

Known Issues

This section lists issues we are currently aware of which are considered significant, and which could impact the functionality of your build. We highly recommend reviewing this section before every upgrade.
Module Issue To be resolved in


ONE-53206: RDM enrichment feature does not function.

14.5.3, 15.2.0


ONE-52442: API definition fails to load in MDM Swagger.

14.5.3, 15.1.0


ONE-56206: MDM Matching does not work as expected.

We advise upgrading to 14.5.2-patch2 or later at your earliest convenience.



ONE-53610: OAuth Google user credentials not working on BigQuery connection.


Platform Changes

Spring Boot 3 Upgrade

ONE Runtime Server and ONE MDM Server are now shipped with and support Spring Boot 3. When upgrading self-managed, on-premise deployments to version 14.5.1, some configuration changes might be required as well.

JDBC Drivers Upgrade

When upgrading self-managed, on-premise deployments to version 14.5.1, Data Processing Engine (DPE) requires version 0.0.39 of JDBC drivers. This includes upgrades from version 14.5.0. For more information, see ONE Gen2 Upgrade Guide, DPM and DPE Upgrade section.

You can check for the required JDBC drivers associated with a given version in the version.lock file available at the following URL:

Comments Service Upgrade

When upgrading self-managed, on-premise deployments to version 14.5.1 and later, you first need to add the following new properties to the /opt/ataccama/one/comment-${COMMENT_SERVICE_VERSION}/etc/ configuration file. This includes upgrades from version 14.5.0. For more information, see ONE Gen2 Upgrade Guide, Comments Service Upgrade section.

Comment service etc/
### MMM-BE JWT keys<Insert the relevant fingerprint value for MMM-BE module><Insert the relevant content value for MMM-BE>

# Workflows JWT keys<Insert the relevant fingerprint value for the Workflows module><Insert the relevant content value for the Workflows module>


Click here to expand
  • ONE-49586: Matching proposals search using advanced filter now works as expected in the MDM Web App.

  • ONE-50170: Longer field labels are now displayed correctly in the MDM Web App.

  • ONE-48400: Autocorrects now works correctly when no enrichments are defined for this entity in MDM.

  • ONE-47712: AI Matching custom permissions now work as expected in MDM.

  • ONE-44696: Same system relationships between virtual instance tables are now recognized correctly in MDM.

  • ONE-49972: Output interfaces with conditions now work as expected in MDM.

  • ONE-49814: Relationship metadata is generated correctly if the relationship name contains upper case letters in MDM.

  • ONE-48931: Entities with linked reference data sets on the master layer are now listed correctly when configuring custom permissions in MDM.

  • ONE-50591: It is now possible to define multiple users with a specific role using ONE Desktop.

  • ONE-49555: Full profiling of MDM data source with 10M+ records no longer causes the MDM server overloads.

  • ONE-32162: MDM Traversing Publisher now correctly processes null values when changes occur to child entities not linked to a parent entity.

  • ONE-49504, ONE-49010: Requests on DQF larger than 1MB no longer failing.

  • ONE-50303: Monitoring project item page no longer crashes if user does not have access to rule.

  • ONE-50190: You can now delete values from lists in DQ rule implementation.

  • ONE-50004: Rule attributes mapping works as expected even when you exceed 10 attributes.

  • ONE-49543: Monitoring project results retention policy now function correctly for custom export which do not produce standard export file link.

  • ONE-49404: Paths to catalog items are empty on DQ tab of the term.

  • ONE-49372: Disabled rules no longer added to DQF when created from catalog items or attributes.

  • ONE-49033: Freshness can’t be enabled on sources that don’t support it.

  • ONE-48635: Error message no longer displaying after updating outdated rules in monitoring projects after changing rule dimension.

  • ONE-48213: Historical versions and View Changes page correctly updated when manually adding rules in catalog items.

  • ONE-48048: Rule type names fixed when creating a rule from profiling information.

  • ONE-47463: It’s no longer possible to create aggregation rules on catalog items with pushdown enabled to avoid issues with processing.

  • ONE-48489: Attribute DQ results are always visible when you switch between runs in monitoring projects.

  • ONE-48450: Notification recipient selector working when you filter for names.

  • ONE-48404: Project DQ results fetching is now batched.

  • ONE-50327: Search results no longer duplicated.

  • ONE-50359: Fixed the issue with text overflowing on attributes with many term suggestions.

  • ONE-49408: Attribute descriptions on the Data Structure tab in Data Catalog are now wrapped.

  • ONE-50068: Users with View metadata access on catalog items and Full access on catalog items from RDM can now access RDM catalog items as expected.

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