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ONE 14.3.x Upgrade Notes

Default runtime configuration in DPM

When upgrading from 14.2.0 to 14.3.x or later (including 14.5.2), and in case your default runtime configuration in Data Processing Module (DPM) contains a one2Connection element, the configuration must be updated manually as follows:

This issue is resolved in 14.5.3.
  1. Open DPM Admin Console > Configuration.

  2. On the Runtime Configuration tab, find the one2Connections element.

  3. Within that element, locate one2connection > mmm and remove the grpc tag.

    For example, if your runtime configuration looks as follows, you would remove the line 5:

            <one2Connection name="__testServer__" >
                <auth type="Basic" password="admin" user="admin"/>
                <mmm url="http://localhost:8020" apiUrl="http://localhost:8021/graphql">
                    <grpc host="ignored" port="8521" tls="false"/>
                <dpm publicKey="222" url="http://dpm">
                    <grpc host="localhost" port="8531" tls="true"/>

    The updated runtime configuration would look like this:

            <one2Connection name="__testServer__" >
                <auth type="Basic" password="admin" user="admin"/>
                <mmm url="http://localhost:8020" apiUrl="http://localhost:8021/graphql">
                <dpm publicKey="222" url="http://dpm">
                    <grpc host="localhost" port="8531" tls="true"/>
  4. Save your changes.

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