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Visualization Overview

This article provides a summary of items that differ from visualization to visualization. In Data Stories, properties of the different visualizations are grouped by sections.

To learn how to configure your visualization from scratch, see Build a Visualization.

Bar and Bar Multiseries Charts

Bar Chart displays metrics of a single category, while Bar Multiseries Chart allows you to add a subcategory to the x-axis of a bar chart.

Data and configuration specifics

The number of values to show:

  • Maximum: 10000

  • Recommended: 500

The selected number of rows is taken from the top of the dataset, so it reflects any ordering you might have configured in Ordering.

Visualization sections and properties

  • General:

    • Show chart title: If selected, it allows you to enter a title and have it displayed above the chart.

    • Show chart description: Available from 14.5.3. If selected, it allows you to enter a description and have it displayed above the chart. You can alter the font color, and define the style as Bold, Italic, or Underline.

    • Limit displayed range: If selected, it allows you to define a range for the metric axis using the fields provided.

  • Visual:

    • Show gaps between bars: If not selected, it displays the bars with no spaces in between.

    • Chart orientation: Select whether metrics should be shown on the vertical axis (default), or the horizontal axis.

  • Legend: If selected, the legend is displayed and you can choose where it should appear (on the Left, Bottom, or Right of the section).

  • Stacked: If selected, it stacks the chosen metrics. Not available if only one metric has been selected.

    • Stacked to max: Stacks the chosen metrics but first converts the values to a proportion of a whole (1). That is, it changes the values from absolute numbers to a proportional comparison. Not available if only one metric has been selected.

  • Axis labels:

    • Show X axis title: If selected, the default X axis title is displayed under the X axis. You can also customize this title in the field provided.

    • Show Y axis title: If selected, the default Y axis title is displayed to the left of the Y axis. You can also customize this title in the field provided.

    • Tick align with label: Select this to align labels to the categories on the chart.

    • Label orientation: Set the orientation of the labels as Horizontal, Vertical, or Sloping.

    • Maximum label length: By default, unlimited. If you enter any other value, it defines the maximum length (number of characters) of each category label.

  • Data labels: Select if you want to display labels for the chosen metric values on the chart.

    • Stacked sum label: Only available if there are at least two metrics and the Stacked option is selected. It automatically displays the sum of the two stacked metrics.

    • Label position: If labels are used, choose where they should be displayed: Top or Inside.

Bubble Chart

Allows you to track a metric represented by the size of bubbles.

Data and configuration specifics

The number of values to show:

  • Maximum: 10000

  • Recommended: 500

The selected number of rows is taken from the top of the dataset, so it reflects any ordering you might have configured in Ordering.

Visualization sections and properties

  • General:

    • Show chart title: If selected, it allows you to enter a title and have it displayed above the chart.

    • Show chart description: Available from 14.5.3. If selected, it allows you to enter a description and have it displayed above the chart. You can alter the font color, and define the style as Bold, Italic, or Underline.

  • Axis labels:

    • Label orientation: Set the orientation of the labels as Horizontal, Vertical, or Sloping.

    • Maximum label length: By default, unlimited. If you enter any other value, it defines the maximum length (number of characters) of each category label.

Category Chart

Category Chart is similar to a bar chart but displays the bars horizontally instead of vertically, with category on the y-axis and metrics on the x-axis.

Data and configuration specifics

The number of values to show:

  • Maximum: 10000

  • Recommended: 500

The selected number of rows is taken from the top of the dataset, so it reflects any ordering you might have configured in Ordering.

Visualization sections and properties

  • General:

    • Show chart title: If selected, it allows you to enter a title and have it displayed above the chart.

    • Show chart description: Available from 14.5.3. If selected, it allows you to enter a description and have it displayed above the chart. You can alter the font color, and define the style as Bold, Italic, or Underline.

    • Limit displayed range: If selected, it allows you to define a range for the metric axis using the fields provided.

  • Visual:

    • Show gaps between bars: If not selected, it displays the bars with no spaces in between.

    • Chart orientation: Select whether metrics should be shown on the vertical axis (default), or the horizontal axis.

  • Legend: If selected, the legend is displayed and you can choose where it should appear (on the Left, Bottom, or Right of the section).

  • Stacked: If selected, it stacks the chosen metrics. Not available if only one metric has been selected.

    • Stacked to max: Stacks the chosen metrics but first converts the values to a proportion of a whole (1). That is, it changes the values from absolute numbers to a proportional comparison. Not available if only one metric has been selected.

  • Axis labels:

    • Show X axis title: If selected, the default X axis title is displayed under the X axis. You can also customize this title in the field provided.

    • Show Y axis title: If selected, the default Y axis title is displayed to the left of the Y axis. You can also customize this title in the field provided.

    • Tick align with label: Select this to align labels to the categories on the chart.

    • Label orientation: Set the orientation of the labels as Horizontal, Vertical, or Sloping.

    • Maximum label length: By default, unlimited. If you enter any other value, it defines the maximum length (number of characters) of each category label.

  • Data labels: Select if you want to display labels for the chosen metric values on the chart.

    • Stacked sum label: Only available if there are at least two metrics and the Stacked option is selected. It automatically displays the sum of the two stacked metrics.

    • Label position: If labels are used, choose where they should be displayed: Top or Inside.

Comparison Chart

Displays data as proportionate bars with percentages. For this reason, it is suitable only when you want to display a single metric for a category.

Data and configuration specifics

The number of values to show:

  • Maximum: 5.

The selected number of rows is taken from the top of the dataset, so it reflects any ordering you might have configured in Ordering.

Visualization sections and properties

  • General:

    • Show chart title: If selected, it allows you to enter a title and have it displayed above the chart.

    • Show chart description: Available from 14.5.3. If selected, it allows you to enter a description and have it displayed above the chart. You can alter the font color, and define the style as Bold, Italic, or Underline.

  • Legend: If selected, the legend is displayed and you can choose where it should appear (on the Left, Bottom, or Right of the section).

Donut and Pie Charts

These display data as proportionate slices of a circle. For this reason, they are suitable only when you want to display a single metric for a category.

Data and configuration specifics

The number of values to show:

  • Maximum: 50

The selected number of rows is taken from the top of the dataset, so it reflects any ordering you might have configured in Ordering.

Visualization sections and properties

  • General:

    • Show chart title: If selected, it allows you to enter a title and have it displayed above the chart.

    • Show chart description: Available from 14.5.3. If selected, it allows you to enter a description and have it displayed above the chart. You can alter the font color, and define the style as Bold, Italic, or Underline.

  • Legend: If selected, the legend is displayed and you can choose where it should appear (on the Left, Bottom, or Right of the section).

  • Axis labels:

    • Label position: Choose whether the labels are displayed Inside or Outside of the section.


Filter widgets in Data Stories serve as powerful tools for tailoring the data that appears in your charts and tables, facilitating a more precise analysis.

Data and configuration specifics

To set up a filter widget, place at least one attribute in the Dimensions column. Then, switch the chart type to Filter.

Once configured, the filter appears as an option labeled Select name_of_column. Clicking this opens a dropdown menu listing all the available values for that attribute.

A search bar is also provided so you can quickly look for specific values in that dimension.

You can also set global filtering. When this filter widget is integrated into a report (dashboard or story), it affects all charts within that section (in a dashboard) or slide (in a story), provided that those charts have an underlying dataset with a column or cell name corresponding to the filtered dimension and the filtered value.

This global filter feature ensures a consistent data-viewing experience, especially when multiple charts in the section or slide share common dimensions and values for filtering.

For example, if you filter by Country and select Ghana, all charts in that section or slide featuring Country as a dimension and Ghana as a value are affected.

Visualization sections and properties

  • General:

    • Show custom title: If selected, it displays a title above the filter widget. This helps provide viewers with a clearer context of what the filter controls.

    • Title: If you opted to use a custom title, use this field to enter it.

    • Filter Type: Choose between Multi select or Single select based on your needs.

      • Multi select allows users to select multiple attributes as filters at once.

      • Single select restricts users to choosing only one filtering attribute at a time.

    • Show widget border: Configure the visibility of the widget’s border.

      You can choose to have no border, or opt to have a border at the bottom or left side of the widget. This way, the filter widget is visually differentiated from other elements in your report.

      Borders are only visible for stories in the View mode.

    • Apply on all attributes with same name: When selected, the filter applies to all charts and tables in the report that have an attribute with the same name as the one you are filtering by. This is what we call Global filtering.

Gauge Chart

Only available for explorations of a single metric.

Visualization sections and properties

  • General:

    • Title: Modify the chart title to provide a clear context and description. By default, the name of the metric is used as the title.

  • Visual:

    • Title alignment: Choose the alignment of the chart title (left, center, or right).

  • Progress Bar: Available from 14.5.3. If selected, it displays the target customization menu and the target progress in the Gauge Chart. You can add a target and the target percentage using the following fields:

    • Target to reach: Enter the target value. The Gauge chart bar shows the metric value’s proximity to the target.

      If the metric value is larger than the actual target value, we recommend reviewing and adjusting the target value to reflect the desired goals.

    • Show target percentage: Select if you want to showcase the percentage of the metric for better orientation in relation to the established target (displayed under the value and progress bar in the chart).

    • Show segments: Available from 14.5.3. If selected, the progress bar in a KPI chart is divided into distinct segments, making it easier to track progress towards multiple milestones. Segments are marked by percentages and you can customize their color and completion rate. To add new segments, select Add segment.

Heatmap Chart

Allows you to track a metric represented by a specific color.

Data and configuration specifics

The number of values to show:

  • Maximum: 10000

  • Recommended: 500

Visualization sections and properties

  • General:

    • Show chart title: If selected, it allows you to enter a title and have it displayed above the chart.

    • Show chart description: Available from 14.5.3. If selected, it allows you to enter a description and have it displayed above the chart. You can alter the font color, and define the style as Bold, Italic, or Underline.

    • Limit displayed range: If selected, it allows you to define a range for the metric axis using the fields provided.

  • Visual:

    • Invert colors: Invert the selected colorscale (that is, invert the colors representing high and low values).

    • Red-Green colorscale: Switch to a red-green colorscale.

    • Plasma colorscale: Switch to a plasma colorscale.

    • Show colorscale: If selected, a legend with the selected colorscale is displayed. You can also choose the position of the colorscale on the Left, Bottom, or Right of the section.

  • Axis labels:

    • Label orientation: Set the orientation of the labels as Horizontal, Vertical, or Sloping.

    • Maximum label length: By default, unlimited. If you enter any other value, it defines the maximum length (number of characters) of each category label.

  • Data labels: Select if you want to display labels for the chosen metric values on the chart.

Heatmap Calendar Chart

Represents recurring discrete activities over long periods of time. The chart displays a color for each time period, depending on a specified metric.

Data and configuration specifics

The number of values to show:

  • Maximum: 10000

  • Recommended: 20-30

Visualization sections and properties

  • Visual:

    • Scatter: If selected, the metrics are displayed as a scatter chart embedded in the calendar.

Histogram Chart and Histogram Chart with Selection

Displays numerical data by grouping the data points into buckets or ranges of the same width. Each bucket is shown as a bar and the height of each bar reflects the number of data points present in that range.

Data and configuration specifics

The number of buckets to show:

  • Maximum: 30

  • Recommended: Between 10 and 20

If your dataset is very large, it’s likely you will need more buckets. Changes in Ordering affect the order in which your buckets are displayed.

Visualization sections and properties

  • General:

    • Show chart title: If selected, it allows you to enter a title and have it displayed above the chart.

    • Show chart description: Available from 14.5.3. If selected, it allows you to enter a description and have it displayed above the chart. You can alter the font color, and define the style as Bold, Italic, or Underline.

KPI Chart

There are two variants of the KPI chart for a single metric value:

  • KPI: Displays a single metric value.

  • KPI with Target: Displays a metric value along with a target value and the progress towards the target.

Visualization sections and properties

  • General:

    • Title: Modify the chart title to provide a clear context and description. By default, the name of the metric is used as the title.

    • Show widget border: Available from 14.5.3. Choose whether to display the widget border in the report. Possible options are No, Bottom, or Left.

  • Visual:

    • Title alignment: Choose the alignment of the chart title (left, center, or right).

    • Metric alignment: Choose the alignment of the metric value (left, center, or right).

  • Progress Bar: If selected, it displays the target customization menu and the target progress in the KPI. You can add a target and the target percentage using the following fields:

    • Target to reach: Enter the target value. A progress bar shows the metric value’s proximity to the target.

      If the metric value is larger than the actual target value, we recommend reviewing and adjusting the target value to reflect the desired goals.

    • Show target percentage: Select if you want to showcase the percentage of the KPI for better orientation in relation to the established target (displayed under the value and progress bar in the KPI).

    • Show segments: Available from 14.5.3. If selected, the progress bar in a KPI chart is divided into distinct segments, making it easier to track progress towards multiple milestones. Segments are marked by percentages and you can customize their color and completion rate. To add new segments, select Add segment.

KPI with Comparison Chart

Can be displayed when two metrics are added into the builder for comparison purposes, highlighting the difference between them.

Visualization sections and properties

  • General:

    • Title: Modify the chart title to provide clear context and description. By default, the name of the metric is used as the title.

  • Visual:

    • Title alignment: Choose the alignment of the chart title (left, center, or right).

    • Metric alignment: Choose the alignment of the metric value (left, center, or right).

  • Comparison: switch is automatically enabled and cannot be disabled. It displays the comparison customization menu and the target progress in the KPI as long as there are two metrics in the builder.

    • You can configure how the difference between the values is displayed: as a Percentage, as a Value (absolute number) or Both.

      • If the difference is positive, it will be shown in a green badge with a green ascending arrow.

      • If the difference is negative, it will be shown in a red badge with a red descending arrow.

Line Chart and Line Multiseries Chart

Line Chart displays metrics of a single category, plotted as a line. Line Multiseries allows you to break down your category into subcategories.

Data and configuration specifics

The number of values to show:

  • Maximum: 10000

  • Recommended: 500

The selected number of rows is taken from the top of the dataset, so it reflects any ordering you might have configured in Ordering.

Visualization sections and properties

  • General:

    • Show chart title: If selected, it allows you to enter a title and have it displayed above the chart.

    • Show chart description: Available from 14.5.3. If selected, it allows you to enter a description and have it displayed above the chart. You can alter the font color, and define the style as Bold, Italic, or Underline.

    • Limit displayed range: If selected, it allows you to define a range for the metric axis using the fields provided.

  • Visual:

    • Filled: If selected, it fills the chosen metrics.

    • Show points: If selected, it displays data points on the chart.

    • Connect points: If enabled, it connects a discontinuous graph into a continuous one even if values are left out. It also automatically turns on the Show points property.

    • Average line bucketing: If selected, it shows the average line on the x-axis calculated from all metrics.

    • Data marklines: If not selected, data marklines disappear from the chart.

    • Global average line: If selected, it displays an average from all the metric data. Not available if only one metric has been selected.

    • Replace undefined values with zero: If selected, a zero is used instead of any missing data points.

  • Legend: If selected, the legend is displayed and you can choose where it should appear (on the Left, Bottom, or Right of the section).

  • Axis labels:

    • Show X axis title: If selected, the default X axis title is displayed under the X axis. You can also customize this title in the field provided.

    • Show Y axis title: If selected, the default Y axis title is displayed to the left of the Y axis. You can also customize this title in the field provided.

    • Switch to linear/logarithmic: If selected, it switches the y-axis scale to a logarithmic scale.

    • Switch boundary gap: Available from 14.5.3. If selected, this adjusts the x-axis labels to position them in the center of the space between two axis ticks, rather than directly under each tick. This setting improves label readability, especially for longer labels.

    • Label orientation: Set the orientation of the labels as Horizontal, Vertical, or Sloping.

    • Maximum label length: By default, unlimited. If you enter any other value, it defines the maximum length (number of characters) of each category label.

Pivot Table

A powerful data analysis tool that allows you to summarize, sort, reorganize, group, count, total, or average data stored in a table. Pivot tables provide a flexible and interactive way to view data from different perspectives by rearranging the rows and columns.

With pivot tables, you can easily analyze large amounts of data, identify patterns, and make comparisons.

Data and configuration specifics

You need to add at least one dimension and one metric to have a pivot table displayed. The table is automatically displayed if there are more than two attributes in the Dimensions column.

Adding an excessive number of attributes in Dimensions column can potentially impact performance. There is no limit on the Metrics column and it can hold as many attributes as you choose to include.

Dimensions can be sorted only by the leftmost dimension in the Dimensions menu. Metrics can be sorted without limitations.

You can also switch dimensions from columns to rows or vice versa. To do so, select the transposition selector under the Dimension name.

Visualization sections and properties

  • General:

    • Show chart title: If selected, it allows you to enter a title and have it displayed above the chart.

    • Show totals: Select to display total values at the bottom of the table for data summarization. The values shown in this row depend on the aggregation function and the selected metrics.

When adjusting the display values, keep in mind that the totals in the pivot table are based on the data that is currently visible. Therefore, if you change the values displayed, such as change 1,000 to 10,000 to avoid cluttered cells, the totals are updated accordingly.

Scatter Chart

Helps visualize the relationship between two categories.

Data and configuration specifics

The number of values to show:

  • Maximum: 10000

  • Recommended: 500

The selected number of rows is taken from the top of the dataset, so it reflects any ordering you might have configured in Ordering.

Visualization sections and properties

  • General:

    • Show chart title: If selected, it allows you to enter a title and have it displayed above the chart.

  • Axis labels:

    • Label orientation: Set the orientation of the labels as Horizontal, Vertical, or Sloping.

    • Maximum label length: By default, unlimited. If you enter any other value, it defines the maximum length (number of characters) of each category label.

Sparkline Chart

A small line chart without axes that is designed to display the general pattern of data rather than exact values.

With a sparkline chart, you should select a category and metric to visualize, and then a subcategory. A separate sparkline is shown per subcategory.

Data and configuration specifics

The number of values to show:

  • Maximum: 30

The selected number of rows is taken from the top of the dataset, so it reflects any ordering you might have configured in Ordering.

Visualization sections and properties

  • General:

    • Show chart title: If selected, it allows you to enter a title and have it displayed above the chart.

    • Limit displayed range: If selected, it allows you to define a range for the metric axis using the fields provided.

  • Visual:

    • Stacked: If selected, it stacks the chosen metrics. Not available if only one metric has been selected.

    • Replace undefined values with zero: If selected, a zero is used instead of any missing data points.

    • Connect points: If enabled, it connects a discontinuous graph into a continuous one even if values are left out. It also automatically turns on the Show points property.

    • Show maximal value: If selected, it displays the maximum value for the chosen metric next to the subcategory heading.

    • Show minimal value: If selected, it displays the minimum value for the chosen metric next to the subcategory heading.

    • Show last value: If selected, it displays the last value for the chosen metric next to the subcategory heading.

    • Show points: If enabled, it displays data points on the chart.

  • Legend:

    • Hide legend: If selected, all labels are hidden.

  • Axis labels:

    • Switch to linear/logarithmic: If selected, it switches the y-axis scale to a logarithmic scale.

Sparkline Donut Chart

Displays the different attributes of a dimension as donut charts and the selected metrics as proportionate slices of these.

Data and configuration specifics

The number of values to show:

  • Maximum: 50

The selected number of rows is taken from the top of the dataset, so it reflects any ordering you might have configured in Ordering.

Visualization sections and properties

  • General:

    • Show chart title: If selected, it allows you to enter a title and have it displayed above the chart.

Spider Chart

Displays a two-dimensional chart of three or more quantitative variables defined as axes that begin from the same point.

Data and configuration specifics

The number of values to show:

  • Maximum: 50

The selected number of rows is taken from the top of the dataset, so it reflects any ordering you might have configured in Ordering.

Visualization sections and properties

  • General:

    • Show chart title: If selected, it allows you to enter a title and have it displayed above the chart.

  • Visual:

    • Switch indicators: If selected, it swaps the view and displays metrics on X-axis and dimensions on Y-Axis.

  • Legend: If selected, the legend is displayed and you can choose where it should appear (on the Left, Bottom, or Right of the section).

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