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DQ&C 15.1.0 Upgrade Notes

Default runtime configuration in DPM

When upgrading to 15.1.0 or 15.2.0, in case your default runtime configuration in Data Processing Module (DPM) contains a one2Connection element, the configuration must be updated manually as follows:

  1. Open DPM Admin Console > Configuration.

  2. On the Runtime Configuration tab, find the one2Connections element.

  3. Within that element, locate one2connection > mmm and remove the grpc tag.

    For example, if your runtime configuration looks as follows, you would remove the line 5:

            <one2Connection name="__testServer__" >
                <auth type="Basic" password="admin" user="admin"/>
                <mmm url="http://localhost:8020" apiUrl="http://localhost:8021/graphql">
                    <grpc host="ignored" port="8521" tls="false"/>
                <dpm publicKey="222" url="http://dpm">
                    <grpc host="localhost" port="8531" tls="true"/>

    The updated runtime configuration would look like this:

            <one2Connection name="__testServer__" >
                <auth type="Basic" password="admin" user="admin"/>
                <mmm url="http://localhost:8020" apiUrl="http://localhost:8021/graphql">
                <dpm publicKey="222" url="http://dpm">
                    <grpc host="localhost" port="8531" tls="true"/>
  4. Save your changes.

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