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Service Mapper Component

The Service Mapper component uses ONE Runtime Server to deploy SOAP online web services on the specified endpoint. The component adds the Service Mapper section to the ONE Runtime Server Admin, providing a list of running services and receivers.

The component is not supported for other use cases since v12. To deploy online services, use Online Services Component instead.

The services are defined by an XML configuration file *.serviceDefinition and optional SOAP WSDL file. SOAP services create responses by calling other services.

Responses can be transformed and combined using XSL transformation. Each service usually has an input and output XSL transformation. The component supports multiple formats of SOAP services, for example, HTTP or JMS.

To enable the component, add the following definition to the server configuration.

Sample Service Mapper component configuration
    <component class="com.ataccama.adt.pme.server.ServiceMapperComponent">

    <!-- Debugging -->
        <debugLogger class="com.ataccama.adt.pme.debug.FileLogger">

    <!-- location of service definition files -->


    <!-- receivers -->

            <receiver class="com.ataccama.adt.pme.core.receivers.GroupingSoapReceiver">
                <!-- listener -->
                <!-- location -->
                    <service name="ws" soapAction="ws"/>

            <receiver class="com.ataccama.adt.pme.core.receivers.GroupingSoapReceiver">
                    <service name="ws2" soapAction="ws2"/>
Property Required Description



Stores intermediate results into the defined location.

Possible implementations:

  • None: No logging.

  • File Logger: Stores logs into files located in the directory specified by the dir property. Each request has its unique generated ID and generates a file <generated_id>.log.

The Debug Logger is a synchronous logger and contains all the details of the request processing, that is, the input and output of each step defined in the service definition. Therefore, it is very slow and should be enabled only for debugging purposes.



Path to the directory containing the service definition file. The path can be either relative to the server configuration file or absolute.



The receiver listens for each service on the address defined in the Listener Names section.

Possible implementations:

  • Grouping Soap Receiver

  • Soap Web Receiver

For each receiver, define the following properties:

  • Error Transformer: Create a fault response from the given error message modified by an XSL file.

  • Listener Names: Specify the listener on which your receiver is connected.

  • Location: Location of the service (http://url:8888/<service_location>).

  • Request Schema File: Path to the XSD request validation schema.

  • Services (Grouping Soap Receiver only): Specify services for grouping. You need to specify the service name and soapAction.

  • Soap Version: 1.1, 1.2.

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