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How to Start or Stop the Server

Start the server

To start ONE Runtime Server, you need to launch <ATACCAMA_HOME>/server/start.[bat|sh]. The start.[bat|sh] script starts the server with the default configuration default.serverConfig, which has a subset of server components enabled. Alternatively, to start the server from the command line with a custom configuration, use the OnlineCtl tool from <ATACCAMA_HOME>/bin/:

Launch the server with custom configuration
onlinectl.[bat|sh] -config ..\server\etc\default.serverConfig start

See Server Configuration for configuration instructions and descriptions of individual components.

How to pass Java parameters

To start the server with custom Java parameters (for example, to set the Java heap size and garbage collection options), add the necessary JAVA_OPTS in the onlinectl script. See JVM Configuration for the most common parameters.

@echo off

set JAVA_OPTS=-Xms1024m -Xmx4096m -XX+UseG1GC

call "%~dp0\run_java.bat" com.ataccama.dqc.server.bin.OnlineCtl %*

export JAVA_OPTS="-Xms1024m -Xmx4096m -XX+UseG1GC"

"${0%/*}/" com.ataccama.dqc.server.bin.OnlineCtl "$@"

Stop the server

To stop the server, either run the <ATACCAMA_HOME>/server/stop.[bat|sh] script or, for custom configurations, run the stop command with the OnlineCtl tool:

Stop the server with custom configuration
onlinectl.[bat|sh] -config ..\server\etc\default.serverConfig stop

If the server is secured with the Authentication Service Component, it is also necessary to provide the username and password to the OnlineCtl script.

Successful startup and shutdown messages

If the server correctly started or stopped, the server log contains messages about the started or stopped components and their activity.

Successful server startup
Using java at: "C:\Products\Ataccama-one-12.0.0.daily-2018-04-19_00-04-40-win-x86_64\jre\bin\java.exe"
Using DQC  at: "C:\Products\Ataccama-one-12.0.0.daily-2018-04-19_00-04-40-win-x86_64\runtime"
19.04.2018 13:57:51 [INFO]       C:\Users\jane.doe\emp_jane.doe_12.plf
19.04.2018 13:57:51 [INFO]     Starting 'HttpDispatcher'
19.04.2018 13:57:52 [INFO]     Starting 'HealthStateProviders'
19.04.2018 13:57:52 [INFO]     Starting 'WebConsoleComponent'
19.04.2018 13:57:52 [INFO]     Starting 'HealthStateWebConsole'
19.04.2018 13:57:52 [INFO]     Starting 'ManagementService'
19.04.2018 13:57:52 [INFO]     Starting 'OnlineServicesComponent'
19.04.2018 13:57:53 [INFO]    [HttpDispatcher][default] Listening for HTTP requests on port 8888
19.04.2018 13:57:53 [INFO]     Server startup complete.
Successful server shutdown
19.04.2018 14:02:21 [INFO]     Initiating server shutdown
19.04.2018 14:02:21 [INFO]     Shutting down 'OnlineServicesComponent'
19.04.2018 14:02:21 [INFO]     Shutting down 'ManagementService'
19.04.2018 14:02:21 [INFO]     Shutting down 'HealthStateWebConsole'
19.04.2018 14:02:21 [INFO]     Shutting down 'WebConsoleComponent'
19.04.2018 14:02:21 [INFO]     Shutting down 'HealthStateProviders'
19.04.2018 14:02:21 [INFO]     Shutting down 'HttpDispatcher'
19.04.2018 14:02:21 [INFO]     Server shutdown complete.

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