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File Provider Component

Enables access to files in a server directory through HTTP. If a file specified in the request exists, its content is sent in a response.

The response depends on the file type:

  • For recognizable files (for example, .txt or .xml), the browser displays the file contents as text.

  • For non-recognizable files (for example, .profile), the browser offers to download the file.

For example, if HTTP Dispatcher contains a definition of the default listener on the port 8888, setting the File Provider component listeners="default" and location="files" exposes the files at http://myserver:8888/files.

To enable access to files located in the directory folder, set filesDirectory="directory". Then, a request to http://myserver:8888/files/subdirectory/file.txt returns the contents of file.txt from the directory/subdirectory folder.

The component does not allow listing. In other words, in the previous example, a request to http://myserver:8888/files does not return the filesystem structure.
Sample File Provider component configuration
<component class="com.ataccama.dqc.web.FileProviderComponent">
Property Value Required Description




Relative (to the server configuration file) or absolute path to the root directory of the exposed filesystem. You can access any file located in the filesDirectory or its subfolders.




Comma-separated list of names of HTTP listeners where the service should be accessible.




Path to the location within the listener where the service should be accessible. The path has to start with a forward slash, for example, /files.

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