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Quickstart Guide

The MDM solution consists of four components:

  • Keycloak: A third-party identity and access management tool.

  • MDM Server (previously known as MDC): The Ataccama MDM processing engine.

  • MDM Web App (previously known as MDA): The Ataccama MDM web application.

  • Relational database (PostgreSQL, MS SQL, or Oracle): Acts as the backend database for the MDM Solution.

Each of these components is configured as a Linux service that can be restarted independently and has its own logs that can be used for identifying issues.


The MDM supports PostgreSQL, MS SQL, and Oracle relational databases. Only the PostgreSQL Standalone installation is supported by Ataccama. Other database types (Oracle, MS SQL, RDM from Amazon, Azure SQL Services) should be prepared, provided, and maintained by the client.

The following description applies to the maintenance of the PostgreSQL Standalone solution.


  • The core element of the MDM solution is the relational database. If the database is not available, the MDM engine cannot start.

  • The Keycloak component is a hard requirement, without which the MDM engine and the MDM Web App cannot work.

  • The MDM engine is a hard requirement without which the MDM Web App does not show any content, as the content is provided by a project started by the MDM engine.

Using this dependencies flow, troubleshooting can be narrowed down to a specific part of the MDM solution.

Applications as services

Every application is configured as a Linux service, and its service file can be found in the default Linux folder for services. This folder is /etc/systemd/system and the service names are as follows:

  • Keycloak service name: keycloak-server.service

  • MDM Server service name: server-mdm.service

  • MDM Web App service name: mdm-webapp.service

  • Standalone PostgreSQLservice name (optional): postgresql-13.service

Start, stop, restart services

As standard Linux services, Ataccama services can be maintained via the systemctl command.

Use the following commands and replace <service-name> with one of the services listed as needed.

  • To start the application: systemctl start <service-name>

  • To stop the application: systemctl stop <service-name>

  • To restart the application: systemctl restart <service-name>

  • To see the status of the application: systemctl status <service-name>


Each component of the solution has a dedicated folder for storing log files.

  • Keycloak logs folder: /<path-to-keycloak>/standalone/log with log file server.xml

  • MDM Server logs folder: /<path-to-mdm-server>/log with log file server.out

  • MDM Web App logs folder: /<path-to-mdm-webapp>/log with log file spring-boot-logger.json.log

Alternatively, access the component log using the Linux service journal logs command journalctl. For example, if you want to read the entire log of the service, use the following command: journalctl -u <service-name>.

To see live logs, use the following command: journalctl -u <service-name> -f.

To see logs immediately once you start the service, you can combine the start, stop, or restart and log commands in the following way:

  • systemctl start <service-name> && journalctl -u <service-name> -f

  • systemctl stop <service-name> && journalctl -u <service-name> -f

  • systemctl restart <service-name> && journalctl -u <service-name> -f

Configuration files

All configuration files of the solution are provided in the following list and can be used to identify component-to-component connection information, connection to the databases, and so on.


The only Keycloak configuration file containing connection details for the relational database is the standalone.xml file located in /<path-to-keycloak>/standalone/configuration.

MDM Server

Configuration for the MDM server is provided by the file stored in the /<path/to/mdm-server>/etc/ folder and within the MDM Project created in ONE Desktop. For more information, see MDM Server Application Properties.

Inside the project, the Files/etc folder can be found. This folder contains the server and runtime configuration files.

  • Application properties: mdm-server/etc/, contains:

    • The application startup details:

      • TLS options

      • Ports to be used by the application

      • Security Filters (Keycloak Identity Provider)

    • Network connection details:

      • Connection to Keycloak

  • Server configuration: Files/etc/mdm.serverConfig, contains:

    • Project configuration:

      • Location of the Workflows folder

      • Location of the Schedulers folder

      • Location of the Resources folder

  • Runtime configuration: Files/etc/mdm.runtimeConfig, contains:

    • Network connection details:

      • Connection to the relational database

    • Other projects-related configuration

MDM Web App

The only configuration file used by the MDM web app is stored in the /<path/to/mdm-webapp>/etc/ folder.

This file contains the following important properties which can be helpful for troubleshooting:

  • server.port: Specifies on which port the MDM Web App is running.

  • The URL on which the MDM Web App will search for the project running on the MDM Server.

  • ataccama.authentication.keycloak: Set of properties that specify the Keycloak connection URL and other Keycloak-related details.

  • server.ssl.key-store: Set of modules that contain TLS certificates with which the MDM Web App starts.

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