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MDM Engine Configuration File

A typical nme-config.xml file looks as follows:

        <persistenceLayer class="com.ataccama.nme.persistence.database.DbPersistenceFactory">

                <persistenceLayer class="com.ataccama.nme.persistence.vldb.VldbPersistenceFactory">


    <!-- <streamDefinitionFile>nme-stream.gen.xml</streamDefinitionFile> -->
        <plugin class="com.ataccama.nme.history.NmeHistoryPlugin">
            <persistenceLayer class="com.ataccama.nme.persistence.vldb.VldbPersistenceFactory">

The paths are relative to the nme-config.xml file.

The main components (most of them configured in separate files) are:

Available plugins:

Due to the broken compatibility after refactoring (see Ataccama 15.2.0 Release Notes, section Known Issues), the history plugin configuration defined in the nme-config.xml file is ignored in the current version, and all relevant properties are defined in the file. To learn more about the steps needed after the upgrade, see upgrade:mdm-15.2.0-upgrade-notes.adoc, section History plugin refactoring issue.

The issue will be resolved in 15.3.0. After version 15.3.0, definitions in the nme-config.xml file will be deprecated but still supported for a transitional period to maintain backward compatibility.

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