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DQF Configuration

The following article describes how Data Quality Firewalls (DQF) configuration can be customized in on-premise deployments.

All properties mentioned in the article are supplied through the /opt/ataccama/one/dqf-${DQF_VERSION}/etc/ file.

DQ Firewall and MinIO bucket communication

By default, DQF cannot communicate with any MinIO buckets. To configure which buckets are accessible in component rules, add the following configuration to /opt/ataccama/one/dqf-${DQF_VERSION}/etc/

# Resources definition
# Component rules can reference external resource via resource://<name>/<objectName>
# This configuration provides mapping between URLs and actual files

# Name of the resource used in URL
# What storage should be used for this resource
# Has to reference existing[*].storage-id
# Bucket name

Multiple resources can be added. In the previous example, you could add a second resource, for example:

Index sequence must be continuous (no gaps).
This configuration is very similar to what you configure in DPM runtime configuration. In almost all cases, those configurations should be kept in sync so the same resources can be used in DQF and in DPE processing.

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