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Ataccama 14.5.2 Release Notes

This page contains the release notes for version 14.5.2 of the Ataccama ONE Gen2 platform.

Release Information


  • 14.5.2-patch3: DQG (Term Suggestions services), ONE MDM

  • 14.5.2-patch2: ONE RDM, ONE MDM

  • 14.5.2: ONE Data Governance, ONE Data Quality and Governance, ONE RDM, ONE MDM, ONE Data, Data Stories

To learn more about patch releases, see Ataccama Lifecycle Policy.

Release date

  • 2024-06-05 (patch3)

  • 2024-05-17 (patch2)

  • 2024-02-20


Security updates

Ataccama Security Advisories

Known Issues

This section lists issues we are currently aware of which are considered significant, and which could impact the functionality of your build. We highly recommend reviewing this section before every upgrade.
Module Issue To be resolved in


ONE-53206: RDM enrichment feature does not function.

14.5.3, 15.2.0


ONE-52442: API definition fails to load in MDM Swagger.

14.5.3, 15.1.0


ONE-56206: MDM Matching does not work as expected.

We advise upgrading to 14.5.2-patch2 or later at your earliest convenience.



ONE-54647: MDM fails to start when configured to use Amazon SQS. Contact Ataccama Support for further assistance.

14.5.3, 15.3.0


ONE-57950: In version 14.5.2-patch2, the Send Mail task in the workflow fails.

14.5.4, 15.3.0

MDM Upgrade Notes

To determine your upgrade path, see MDM Upgrade Procedure and MDM 14.5.2 Upgrade Notes.



Click here to expand (14.5.2-patch3)
  • ONE-53836: Improved the Term Suggestions services (API, Neighbors, Feedback, Recommender) performance and database load.

Click here to expand (14.5.2)
  • ONE-52936: Profiling no longer failing due to references to deleted job nodes.

  • ONE-53518: Catalog loading performance improved by using lateral join.

  • ONE-53484: Notification handler returned to DQIT server configuration.

  • ONE-53687: It is now possible to authenticate runtime server with basic authentication.

  • ONE-53621: 14.5.2 runtime added, meaning there are no more warnings about differing versions of ONE Desktop and ONE Platform server.


Click here to expand (14.5.2-patch3)
  • ONE-56735: Fixed the issue with listing of records being slow or stopping with an error.

  • ONE-56991: Fixed the issue with database connection leaks in the MDM server.

Click here to expand (14.5.2-patch2)
  • ONE-56206: MDM matching now works as expected.

  • ONE-56109: The MDM server no longer fails on transactions due to duplicate record conflicts.

  • ONE-55785: Editing related records on master and instance layers now works as expected.

  • ONE-54871: A significant performance slowdown issue was fixed.

  • ONE-54349: The issue of record duplicity in MDM on Oracle was fixed.

  • ONE-53458: Editing virtual instances records in the MDM Web App now works as expected.

  • ONE-51716: The issue preventing MDM Web App from starting has been resolved.

  • ONE-51338, ONE-51222: MDM processing no longer occasionally fails.

  • ONE-50802: The MDM server now functions more efficiently, preventing the exhaustion of connections when events are not processed.

  • ONE-57110: Added a rate limiter for the MDM REST APIs. For details, see Rate Limiter and MDM 14.5.2 Upgrade Notes.

Click here to expand (14.5.2)
  • ONE-53497: No more risk of records being duplicated during MDM recovery after crash.

  • ONE-53504: Actuator liveness, readiness, and startup probe attributes are now configurable and can be tuned in cloud deployments.

  • ONE-52890: Merge & Split Instances in compare view feature reimplemented.


Click here to expand (14.5.2-patch2)
  • ONE-51716: The issue preventing RDM Web App from starting has been resolved.

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