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Adding Remote Servers for File Transfers

RDM can synchronize its repository with external systems via text file transfers to and from remote servers. See Configuring RDM Synchronization via Text Files to learn how to configure jobs for these tasks. This article explains how to add a remote server to the RDM configuration.

Define a new remote server

  1. Define a server connection in ONE Desktop: switch to the File Explorer view, right-click Servers > New Server.

  2. Switch back to the Model Explorer, and in Connected Systems > Servers, right-click Servers > New system.

  3. Fill in Server attributes.

  4. Select OK to save changes.

A remote server is now added and available in the RDM Model Project.

Server attributes

Field Mandatory Description

System name


Name of a previously defined server connection.

To define a server connection, switch to the File Explorer view and right-click Servers > New Server. See Connect to a Server for more information.

Known hosts file


Path to the known_hosts file.

A known_hosts file stores public keys of previously accessed SSH servers. The file is usually located in [user_home_directory]/.ssh/ for both Windows and Linux.



Description of the server.

Make sure you add server specification to the Runtime Configuration of your Runtime Server to have the server available.

You can always export this configuration as a valid runtime configuration XML file via File > Export > search for Runtime Configuration. See Export and Import Runtime Configuration.

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