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Connect to a Server

From ONE Desktop, you can create server connections to enable the usage of certain steps and workflow tasks (SOAP Call, SOAP Multi Call, Jms Writer, Issue Reader/Writer, SCP/SFTP Download/Upload).

The Amazon S3 server connection enables encryption of the data sent to or stored on the server.

To learn more about how to connect to Ataccama ONE Platform, see Connect to Ataccama ONE Platform.

Register a new server

To create a new server connection:

  1. In the File Explorer, right-click Servers and select New Server.

  2. Select the Environment. For more information, see Environments.

  3. Specify the server Name and select Implementation.

  4. Configure the server connection based on your server implementation and select Finish.

Once the new server is registered, it shows up in the File Explorer tree.

Server connection added
While in development, right-clicking the server connection and selecting Connect should not be considered a valid connectivity test, and doing so is not necessary to enable step communication.



Use to connect to:

Generic implementation
Property Description


Specifies the server URL in the <protocol>://<host>:<port> or <host>:<port> format. The URL of the Ataccama server should be specified without a protocol.


Select according to the server security settings.

The following options are available:

  • None: No authentication.

  • Basic: Basic authentication.

    • User: User name.

    • Password: Password for the specified user.

  • OpenID Connect: OpenID Connect authentication. Currently supported only in JSON Call step.

    • Client ID: Client ID.

    • Client secret: Client secret.

    • Token endpoint URL: The URL from which the HTTP client obtains the access token. Contact your admin for details.

    • Grant type: Determines how access tokens are obtained and used to authenticate. Select between the following options:

      • Client credentials (default): Used when the client authenticates itself directly with the authorization server, outside of the context of a user. For more details, refer to Client Credentials or contact your admin.

      • Refresh token: Used to get a new access token. For more details, refer to OAuth 2.0 Refresh Token or contact your admin.

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1

Connect to the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 server to upload or download files stored there. Once the server connection is registered, you can use it as follows:

  • In workflows to operate on files.

  • In plans as an input or output in the Reader and Writer steps.

ADLS supports authentication via Active Directory (AD) credentials.

In plans and workflows, the server connection can be called using the resource://<resourceName>/<path>/<inputFile> syntax. The steps supporting resources are Text File Reader and Writer, Excel File Reader and Writer, Xml, Json, Avro, Parquet Reader and Writer steps, Complex Xml Writer, Dbf File Reader, and Generic Data Reader.
The drag and drop functionality is supported for files and objects on Amazon S3, Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 1, and Google Cloud Storage servers
ADLS Gen1 implementation
For the values of the ADLS connection properties, contact your admin or see the official ADLS documentation for your product version: Service-to-service authentication with Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 using Microsoft Entra ID.
Property Description

Account FQDN

The fully qualified domain name of the account. It can be found in user settings in Azure.

It has the <account_name> format.

Client ID

Uniquely identifies the client application.

Authentication token endpoint

The URL from which the HTTP client obtains the access token. Contact your admin for details.

Client key

Key from the Azure AD application to authenticate with Data Lake Storage Gen1.

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2

Connect to the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 server to upload or download files stored there. Once the server connection is registered, you can use it as follows:

  • In workflows to operate on files.

  • In plans as an input or output in the Reader and Writer steps.

In plans and workflows, the server connection can be called using the resource://<resourceName>/<path>/<inputFile> syntax. The steps supporting resources are Text File Reader and Writer, Excel File Reader and Writer, Xml, Json, Avro, Parquet Reader and Writer steps, Complex Xml Writer, Dbf File Reader, and Generic Data Reader.
ADLS Gen2 implementation
Property Description

Container name

Name of the file system.

Storage account

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account.

Client ID

Uniquely identifies the client application.

Authentication token endpoint

The URL from which the HTTP client obtains the access token. Contact your admin for details.

Client key

Key from the Azure AD application to authenticate with Data Lake Storage Gen2.

Google Cloud Storage

Connect to the Google Cloud Storage server to upload or download files stored there. Once the server connection is registered, you can use it as follows:

  • In workflows to operate on files.

  • In plans as an input or output in the Reader and Writer steps.

In plans and workflows, the server connection can be called using the resource://<resourceName>/<path>/<inputFile> syntax. The steps supporting resources are Text File Reader and Writer, Excel File Reader and Writer, Xml, Json, Avro, Parquet Reader and Writer steps, Complex Xml Writer, Dbf File Reader, and Generic Data Reader.
The drag and drop functionality is supported for files and objects on Amazon S3, Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 1, and Google Cloud Storage servers
Google Cloud Storage implementation
Property Description

Project Id

Project Id associated with your project within Google Cloud Platform.

Bucket URI

Bucket URI associated with your project within Google Cloud Platform.

Key file location

UNC path to the location where your key file (.json or .p12) is stored.


Connect to JMS server to send processed records as JMS messages using the Jms Writer step and to feed JMS messages to MDM (see Configuring Stream Consumers).

Property Description

Connection factory

Connection factory class name.


User login credentials.


Password for the specified user.


Optional array of Java properties passed to the connection.


Connect to servers running Kafka to consume or publish Kafka messages via Kafka Reader and Writer steps and Kafka online service.

Optionally, this can be done with a specified Avro schema registry input and output format, which means you can consume and publish the Avro schema model directly to and from the schema registry.

Kafka implementation
Property Description

Connection string

Comma-separated list of Kafka broker servers in the <host>:<port> format. For example,,


(Optional) List of Kafka properties shared by all Kafka steps using the Kafka server connection. For a list of all properties, see the official Kafka documentation.

A property with the same name defined in a Kafka step overrides the property defined in the Kafka server connection.

Properties encrypted

(Optional) List of encrypted Kafka properties (for example, ssl.key.password, ssl.keystore.password, ssl.truststore.password) shared by all Kafka steps using the Kafka server connection. For a list of all properties, see the official Kafka documentation.

A property with the same name defined in a Kafka step overrides the property defined in the Kafka server connection.

Schema registry

(Optional) Schema registry endpoint.

ONE Desktop supports Confluent Schema Registry for the Avro schema format. For more information about the Confluent Platform, see the official Confluent documentation.

Schema registry properties

(Optional) List of schema registry properties shared by all Kafka steps using the Kafka server and a schema registry connection.

A property with the same name defined in a Kafka step overrides the property defined in the schema registry connection.

Schema registry properties encrypted

(Optional) List of encrypted schema registry properties shared by all Kafka steps using the Kafka server and a schema registry connection.

A property with the same name defined in a Kafka step overrides the property defined in the schema registry connection.

Amazon S3

Connect to the Amazon S3 server to upload or download files stored there. Once the server connection is registered, you can use it as follows:

  • In workflows to operate on files.

  • In plans as an input or output in the Reader and Writer steps.

In plans and workflows, the server connection can be called using the resource://<resourceName>/<path>/<inputFile> syntax. The steps supporting resources are Text File Reader and Writer, Excel File Reader and Writer, Xml, Json, Avro, Parquet Reader and Writer steps, Complex Xml Writer, Dbf File Reader, and Generic Data Reader.
The drag and drop functionality is supported for files and objects on Amazon S3, Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 1, and Google Cloud Storage servers
Amazon S3 implementation

Amazon S3 does not operate with a folder structure the way other systems do; it operates only with files. It is allowed to have a file with backslash (/) characters in its filename and is represented by the browser as a folder.

When you create a folder on Amazon S3, you create a file with a backslash in its filename. The resulting file and filename cause issues with operations such as Delete or Move in the runtime-server:workflow-and-scheduler:operate-on-file.adoc workflow task when removing the last file from the folder.

Therefore, we strongly recommend using the operation Mkdir in all of your workflow tasks whenever it is necessary. When using the Mkdir operation, your folder will be still available even after its last file is deleted.

Property Description

S3 compatible

Select the AWS option.


Specifies the server URL in the s3a://<bucket>[/<directory>] format.

If your S3 buckets are located in the us-east-1 region, specify the region code in your connection string using one of the following formats:

  • https://<bucket-name>.s3.<region-code>

  • https://s3+`+.<region-code><bucket-name>`

Access key

Access key associated with the S3 account.

Secret key

Secret access key associated with the S3 account.

Server encryption

Specifies how the server encrypts data.

The following options are available:

  • None: No server-side data encryption (default value).

  • SSE-S3: The encryption key is generated and selected by the S3 server.

  • SSE-KMS: The encryption key is selected by the user from the keys generated on the server.

Server key id

Select the encryption key from the keys generated by the server.

If you leave this field empty, a default service key (generated by the server on a customer by service by region level) is used. The field is available only with SSE-KMS server encryption.

Client encryption

Enables client-side data encryption.

Client key

Fill in a key to encrypt the data on the client side. The field is available when client encryption is selected.

By default, Java limits the maximum key length for encryption to 128 bits. To remove the key length restriction, download JCE Unlimited Strength policy files to the <JAVA_HOME>\lib\security folder.

MinIO Server

MinIO is a high performance object storage released under Apache License v2.0 and API-compatible with Amazon S3 cloud storage service.

Connect to the MinIO server to upload or download files stored there. Once the server connection is registered, you can use it as follows:

  • In workflows to operate on files.

  • In plans as an input or output in the Reader and Writer steps.

MinIO implementation
Property Description

S3 compatible

Select the MinIO option.


Name of the bucket that you want to connect to.


Specifies the MinIO server URL.

Access key

Access key associated with the MinIO account.

Secret key

Secret access key associated with the MinIO account.

Server encryption

Specifies how the server encrypts data.

The following options are available:

  • None: No server-side data encryption (default value).

  • SSE-S3: The encryption key is generated and selected by the S3 server.

  • SSE-KMS: The encryption key is selected by the user from the keys generated on the server.

Server key id

Select the encryption key from the keys generated by the server.

If you leave this field empty, a default service key (generated by the server on a customer by service by region level) is used. The field is available only with SSE-KMS server encryption.

Client encryption

Enables client-side data encryption.

Client key

Fill in a key to encrypt the data on the client side. The field is available when client encryption is selected.

By default, Java limits the maximum key length for encryption to 128 bits. To remove the key length restriction, download JCE Unlimited Strength policy files to the <JAVA_HOME>\lib\security folder.


Connect to an SMTP server to send automatic email notifications when executing a plan (Sendmail step) or workflow (runtime-server:workflow-and-scheduler:send-mail.adoc workflow task).

SMTP implementation
Property Description


Specifies the SMTP server host.


Specifies the connection port used by the server.


User name.


Password for the specified user.


Connect to a Salesforce server to consume and work with data from your Salesforce system. The server connection can be used in dedicated Salesforce Reader and Salesforce Writer steps.

Salesforce implementation
Property Description

Login host name

If your organization uses a custom domain for hosting Salesforce, enter it here. If your organization does not use a custom domain, leave this field empty.

Credentials type

Select the authorization type, Login or OAuth. Depending on the chosen type, you need to provide the corresponding login credentials.

If you are using OAuth, see also OAuth authorization.


Username associated with the Salesforce account.


Password for the Salesforce account.

Secret token

Security token allowing access to Salesforce from an IP address outside the user’s trusted IP range.

Consumer key

OAuth 2.0 consumer key (client_id) associated with the Salesforce account.

Consumer secret

Consumer secret (client_secret) for the Salesforce account.

Refresh token

OAuth 2.0 refresh token. If provided, the application can authenticate after the access token has expired without having to prompt the user for credentials. The token can be generated through ONE Desktop.

OAuth authorization

To be able to connect to Salesforce using OAuth, turn on Device Flow in API Settings for Ataccama-connected apps in your Salesforce settings.

To connect using OAuth, you need the following information:

  • Consumer Key and Consumer Secret: You can find these in the connected app detail in Salesforce. See the following steps for more details.

  • Refresh Token: Generate it in ONE Desktop before first use.

To copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret:

  1. In Salesforce, go to Setup.

  2. In Quick Find, enter Apps.

  3. Find your connected app, open the more options menu (blue arrow) and select View.

  4. Copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.

To connect to Salesforce using OAuth:

  1. Open ONE Desktop.

  2. In the File Explorer, right-click Servers and select New Server.

  3. From the Implementation list, select Salesforce.

  4. Enter the Name of your connection.

  5. In Credential Type, select the OAuth option.

  6. Paste the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.

  7. In Refresh Token, select Generate Token. This generates a user code in the User Code field.

  8. Copy the user code, and then select Authenticate. The Salesforce login page opens in your browser.

  9. Paste the user code in the Code Field, and then select Connect.

  10. To confirm the access, select Allow.

  11. On the confirmation screen, select Continue. This logs you in to Salesforce and automatically fills in the Refresh Token field in you Salesforce server connection in ONE.

  12. In ONE Desktop, select Finish to create the new server connection.

    You should now be able to log in using OAuth and refer back to this connection for information about the Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, and the Refresh Token.


Connect to a SAP RFC server to consume SAP data and work with preconfigured SAP functions. The server connection can be used in dedicated SAP RFC Reader and SAP RFC Execute steps.

SAP RFC implementation
Property Description

Application Server

Domain name or IP address of the SAP server.

Instance Number

Application instance number of the SAP system. This is a two-digit number used for connecting to the server.

SAProuter String

Points to the SAProuter used to connect to the server.

The following format is used: (/H/host/S/service/W/pass)*. Both the service port (/S/) and the password (/W/) are optional.


SAP client number that RFC uses for logging into the SAP server.


Username associated with the SAP account.


Password for the SAP account.

Table Name Filter

(Optional) Lets you filter tables by name. The default value is %, which matches any string, including empty strings.

Table Filter

Specifies which tables are queried. The following options are available: Application Tables, Customer Tables, Views, BAPI, Custom Query.

If you select Custom Query, you also need to provide the query that will be applied.

Data Reading Function

(Optional) Name of the SAP function for querying data. By default, the standard RFC_READ_TABLE function is used.

Batch Rows Count

(Optional) Number of records that are read in a single batch. Default value: 2000.

Metadata Read Function

(Optional) Name of the SAP function for reading metadata. This property allows you to specify a custom function if necessary, as the Data Reading Function might not support all table types. Use this to read from table types that the Data Reading Function cannot handle.

Make the server connection available in the command line and online mode

When executing plans and workflows in the command line (runcif utility) or online mode (from the ONE Runtime Server Admin), it is necessary to make the server connection available to the runtime from the Runtime Configuration file. To learn how to export runtime configuration, see Export and Import Runtime Configuration.

When exported to the runtime configuration file, the server definition part looks as follows:

Server connection in runtime configuration
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

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