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The REST API provides the ability to browse data, statuses, and parameters maintained by MDM via REST interfaces. The API supports REST Maturity Level 2.

By default, the REST API uses the default server port (8051) set in MDM Server Application Properties.

The path to REST API is /api/rest and it cannot be configured. The REST API only uses basic HTTP authentication. However, you can configure a more secure authentication method, see MDM Server Application Properties, API Endpoint Required Role Configuration section.

The following sections describe the uses of the REST API.

OpenAPI Swagger

The Swagger UI allows you to see a list of available REST API endpoints and operations in a browser-based HTML interface.

A list of available REST API endpoints and operations in Swagger

Specification is available at `http://localhost:8051/v3/api-docs`.

The Swagger is using the springdoc-openapi library (see Springdoc openAPI library) that can be configured using spring properties (see Springdoc openAPI properties).

Listing REST Endpoints

A response contains a directory of exposed services and interfaces and additional information, including the RW mode.

  "name" : "REST API",
  "version" : "1.0",
  "rwmode" : "RW",
  "uris" : {
    "tasks" : "http://localhost:8051/api/rest/tasks",
    "eventHandlers" : "http://localhost:8051/api/rest/event-handlers",
    "instance" : "http://localhost:8051/api/rest/instance",
    "master" : "http://localhost:8051/api/rest/master",
    "parameters" : "http://localhost:8051/api/rest/parameters",
    "sourceSystems" : "http://localhost:8051/api/rest/source-systems",
    "statistics" : {
      "instance" : "http://localhost:8051/api/rest/statistics/instance",
      "master" : "http://localhost:8051/api/rest/statistics/master"
    "interfaces" : {
      "services" : "http://localhost:8051/api/rest/interfaces/services",
      "exports" : "http://localhost:8051/api/rest/interfaces/batch/exports",
      "loads" : "http://localhost:8051/api/rest/interfaces/batch/loads",
      "consumers" : "http://localhost:8051/api/rest/interfaces/streaming/consumers"

Response status codes

The MDM REST API uses standard HTTP status codes for error and status reporting.

These codes are categorized as follows:

Category Description




Redirection: this usually indicates a configuration error related to authentication, for example, the OAuth flow used.


Indicates a client error, an invalid request.


Indicates a server error.

Common error codes

The following is a more detailed list of error codes that the REST API can return.

Error code Description

400 Bad Request

The request is invalid. For example, there are required parameters missing, an error in JSON formatting, or some other error, as explained in the response.

401 Unauthorized

The client needs to authenticate to access the resource.

403 Forbidden

The client does not have permission to access the resource or perform the action in the request.

404 Not Found

An incorrect URL. This is usually an incorrect name of the entity, master view, or column.


A server error, for example, a configuration problem or failure during a write operation.

Reading Records

A GET request is used to access instance and master layer information, entity information, records or a single record.

Instance Layer

Endpoint Description


Returns a list of entities on the instance layer.


Returns all the records of the selected instance entity.


Returns the metadata of the selected instance entity: columns, relationships, and ways to access a particular record.


Returns an instance record by its id.


Returns an instance record by its origin and sourceId.

Master Views

Endpoint Description


Returns a list of master views.


Returns a list of entities on the selected master view.


Returns all the records of the selected master view.


Returns the metadata of the selected master entity: columns and ways to access a particular record.


Returns a master record by its id.


Returns a master record by the origin and sourceId of an instance record.

If {origin} contains a # and is used in the URI, it must be escaped with %23.


Results and their presentation can be customized with the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Comma-separated list of columns that should be returned (by default all columns are returned).


Used for paging. Offsets the first returned record, starts at 0.


Used for paging. Alternative to offset - returns nth page, that is, offset=page*count, starts at 0.


When used alone or with offset, limits the number of records returned. When used with page, defines the page size.


Name of column to sort records by, optionally suffixed with :ASC or :DESC (default ordering is ASC)


Filters by the exact value of the column with wildcard support; multiple values of one column are supported: separate them by a comma.


Lists related records according to the provided relationships.

Requests with parameters
GET /instance/{entity}?offset=2&count=5
GET /instance/{entity}?columns=src_first_name,src_sin&src_first_name=Joh*&sort=std_birth_date:DESC

GET /master/{view}/{entity}?offset=2&count=5
GET /master/{view}/{entity}?columns=cmo_first_name,cmo_sin&cmo_first_name=Joh*&sort=cmo_birthdate:DESC
GET /instance/{entity}?preload=contacts,addresses
// advanced preload examples
GET /master/masters/party/1020?preload=addresses.instances,contacts
GET /master/masters/party/1020?preload=addresses(cmo_type=Residential,cmo_state=US)

Sample GET Requests and Responses

Request on the Instance Layer
GET /instance/party/1007
    "type": "party",
        "id": 1007,
        "origin": "crm#customer#party",
        "sourceSystem": "crm",
        "active": true,
        "sourceTimestamp": "2015-07-23T14:14:04Z",
        "creationDate": "2017-09-08T15:39:59Z",
        "lastUpdateDate": "2017-09-08T15:40:03Z",
        "lastSourceUpdateDate": "2017-09-08T15:40:03Z",
        "activationDate": "2017-09-08T15:39:59Z",
        "creationTid": 1002,
        "lastUpdateTid": 2814,
        "lastSourceUpdateTid": 2814,
        "activationTid": 1002
        "source_id": "1001",
        "master_id": 1238,
        "propose_id": 1273,
        "src_first_name": "DR. JOHN",
Request on a Master View
GET /master/masters/party/1235
    "type": "party",
    "metadata": {
        "id": 1235,
        "active": true,
        "creationDate": "2017-09-08T15:39:59Z",
        "lastUpdateDate": "2017-09-08T15:39:59Z",
        "activationDate": "2017-09-08T15:39:59Z",
        "creationTid": 1002,
        "lastUpdateTid": 1002,
        "activationTid": 1002
    "attributes": {
        "cmo_type": "P",
        "cmo_first_name": "John",


The 'Identify' service answers the question, "is this record similar to any record stored in the hub?". Input is in the form of the instance entity, while similarity is defined by the matching rules of this entity. Output is either matching information and master record or nothing.

The service accepts POST requests at endpoint /master/{view}/{entity}/identify with the following structure:

Identify request
POST /master/masters/party/identify
    "sourceSystem" : "life",
    "record" : {
        "attributes" : {
            "src_first_name" : "Anto",
            "src_last_name" : "Lese",
            "src_sin" : "387958572"
        "relationships" : [{
            "contacts" : [{
                "attributes": {
                    "src_type" : "PHONE",
                    "src_value" : "416-206-1234"
                "attributes": {
                    "src_type" : "EMAIL",
                    "src_value" : ""

As an input, the service gets:

  • one record of the instance entity - attributes of origin SOURCE

  • (optional) records of related entities - attributes of origin SOURCE

The service cleanses input data and tries to match the record to records in the hub using matching rules. If the input record is matched to a master group, a master record is returned. For example, the response if the record is matched is:

Identify Response
    "matchMetadata" : {
        "matchRelatedId" : 1007,
        "matchQuality" : 0.0,
        "matchRuleName" : "name+sin"
    "record" : {
        "type" : "party",
        "metadata" : {
            "id" : 1030
            // more metadata
        "attributes" : {
            "cmo_name" : "John",
            // more attributes

If matching has proposals enabled, proposals are returned as well. It is possible to have only proposals in response (record matches only using proposal rules).

Identify Response
    "matchMetadata" : { /* ... */ },
    "record" : { /* ... */ },
    "proposals" : [ {
        "matchMetadata" : {
            "matchRelatedId" : 1007,
            "matchQuality" : 0.0,
            "matchRuleName" : "name+sin"
        "record" : {
            "type" : "party",
            "metadata" : {
                "id" : 1030
                // more metadata
            "attributes" : {
                "cmo_name" : "John",
                // more attributes
    // more proposals


If there are too many proposals (more than the runtime parameter, default 100), proposals are returned in a short format:

Identify Response
    "matchMetadata" : { /* filled */ },
    "record" : { /* */ },
    "proposals" : [ {
        "masterId" : 1012,
        "matchRelatedId" : 1007,
        "matchQuality" : 0.0,
        "matchRuleName" : "name+sin"
    // more proposals

This services allows you to search for records by attributes and values using a POST request. For example, the following request searches for records with src_name values John or Paul and a std_Age value 42:

Search request
POST /instance/party/search
"src_name" : ["John","Paul"],
"std_age" : 42

The request supports the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Used for paging. Offsets the first returned record, starts at 0.


When used alone or with offset, limits the number of records returned.

Reading Historical Records

It is possible to get historical values of a record with a GET request.

Endpoint Description


Returns the list of all historized entities.


Returns the list of columns stored in the historized instance entity as configured in nme-history.xml. See History Plugin for more information.


Returns historical instance records by the record id.


Returns historical instance records by origin and the record id.


Returns historical master records by the record id.


Returns the list of columns stored in the historized master entity as configured in nme-history.xml. See History Plugin for more information.

Setting the Timeframe

It is possible to limit the number of results by specifying the from, to, or at parameters in the request. The from and to parameters can be combined or used separately.

History Request
History Response
[ {
  "type" : "partymasters",
  "metadata" : {
    "id" : 1734,
    "validFrom" : "2017-08-21T14:47:02Z",
    "validTo" : "2017-08-24T14:48:11Z",
    "active" : true
  "attributes" : {
    "cmo_type" : "P",
    "cmo_first_name" : "John",
    "cmo_last_name" : "Smith",
    "cmo_gender" : "M",
    "cmo_birth_date" : "1978-11-16T00:00:00Z",
    "cmo_sin" : "95242433",
    "dq_indicator" : 100000,
    "dq_indicator_name" : "medium",
    "group_size" : 2,
    "published_by" : "admin"
}, {
  "type" : "partymasters",
  "metadata" : {
    "id" : 1734,
    "validFrom" : "2017-08-16T14:37:15Z",
    "validTo" : "2017-08-21T14:47:02Z",
    "active" : true
  "attributes" : {
    "cmo_type" : "P",
    "cmo_first_name" : "J",
    "cmo_last_name" : "Smith",
    "cmo_birth_date" : "1978-11-16T00:00:00Z",
    "cmo_sin" : "95242433",
    "dq_indicator" : 111003,
    "dq_indicator_name" : "medium",
    "group_size" : 1,
    "published_by" : "multiload"
} ]

Modifying Records

Mapping of HTTP methods to change type is as usual in REST:

  • Insert via POST

  • Update via PUT

  • Deactivation via DELETE

However MDM can automatically adjust between create and update depending on whether the record is present in the MDM repository, that is, an attempt to update (PUT) a non-existing record is automatically changed to an insert operation (POST), and vice versa.

Record Identification in Requests

Records are identified by their id or a combination of origin and source_id (for instance records only). This identification can be sent in the URI or in the request body.

Record ID Sent in the Request URI
PUT /instance/{entity}/{id}
POST /instance/{entity}/{origin}/{sourceId}
PUT/POST /api/rest/master/{entity}/{id}
If {origin} contains a # and is used in the URI, it must be escaped with %23.
Record ID Sent in the Request Body
POST /instance/{entity}
    "origin" : "crm#customer#party",
    "source_id" : "cdr48"

All combinations of POST/PUT/DELETE and identification are supported to provide maximum integration flexibility. The only forbidden variant is sending id when creating a new record (MDM generates its own ids).

POST Request Example

Instance Layer

Insert via a POST Request
POST /instance/party
    "origin" : "crm#customer#party",
    "source_id" : "cdr48",
    "source_timestamp" : "2015-07-23T14:14:04Z",
    "attributes" : {
        "src_first_name" : "Johny",
        "src_sin" : "547-954-624"
    "result": "ok",
    "records": {
        "entity": {
            "id": 4051,
            "origin": "crm#customer#party",
            "source_id": "cdr48-ase",
            "action": "INSERT"
            "attributes": {
                "master_id": 7560

Starting from version 15.3.0, the master_id attribute is included in the response from instance write endpoints. This functionality is configured in the file (see MDM Server Application Properties, section MDM Features).

Insert with relationships via a POST Request
    "origin" : "PAS#policyrole#party",
    "source_id" : "6776",
    "source_timestamp" : "2019-03-27T00:00:00Z",
    "attributes" : {
        "src_name_first" : "LINDA",
        "src_name_last" : "CORRIE",
        "src_name_middle" : "",
        "src_gender" : "Female",
        "src_date_of_birth" : ""
    "relationships": {
        "contact": [{
            "attributes": {
                "party_source_id" : "671",
                "src_value": "5354856",
                "src_type" : "Home Phone"
When inserting a record with relationships via a POST request, you will need to modify Parent Role / Child Role in the MDM Logical Model according to what is defined in your request. Alternatively, if you have no Parent or Child Role defined in the model, use rev_party_has_contact in place of contact in the request.

Master Layer

Insert via a POST request
POST http://localhost:8051/api/rest/master/masters/party
   "attributes": {
      "cmo_first_name": "rest3",
      "cmo_sin": "12345"
   "relationships": {
       "addresses":  [{
               "cmo_street": "ab1",
               "cmo_city": "cd1"
               "cmo_street": "ab2",
               "cmo_city": "cd2"
   "result": "ok",
   "records": {
       "id": 302003,
       "recordChange": "INSERT",
       "relationships": {
           "addresses": [
                   "id": 302004,
                   "recordChange": "INSERT"
                   "id": 302005,
                   "recordChange": "INSERT"

PUT Request Example

Instance Layer

Update via a PUT Request
PUT /instance/party/crm%23customer%23party/1001
    "source_timestamp" : "2015-07-23T14:14:04Z",
    "attributes": {
        "src_first_name": "Dr. John",
        "src_sin": "764-785-685"
    "relationships": {
        "id_documents": [{
            "attributes": {
                "src_type" : "passport",
                "src_value" : "489465498",
                "party_source_id" : "1001"

The central entity was updated, related entities were ignored since the data in the request was the same as before.

    "result": "ok",
    "records": {
        "entity": {
            "action": "UPDATED",
            "id": 17603215,
            "origin": "crm#customer#party",
            "source_id": "12121212"
            "attributes": {
                "master_id": 7560
        "relationships": {
            "id_documents": {
                "entity": {
                    "action": "NONE",
                    "id": 2207,
                    "origin": "crm#customer#id_document",
                    "source_id": "100_id_card_1"

Starting from version 15.3.0, the master_id attribute is included in the response from instance write endpoints. This functionality is configured in the file (see MDM Server Application Properties, section MDM Features).

Master Layer

Update via a PUT Request
PUT \http://localhost:8051/api/rest/master/masters/party/302003

   "attributes": {
      "cmo_first_name": "rest81",
      "cmo_sin": "12"
   "result": "ok",
   "records": {
       "id": 302003,
       "recordChange": "UPDATE"

DELETE Request Example

Instance Layer

Record Deactivation via a DELETE Request
DELETE http://localhost:8051/api/rest/instance/party/17603215
    "result": "ok",
    "records": {
        "entity": {
            "id": 20003264,
            "origin": "crm#customer#id_document",
            "source_id": "100_id_card_1666"
            "action": "DEACTIVATED",

Master Layer

It is only possible to delete authored master records via the API. The DELETE request for these records causes an actual delete rather than a record deactivation (logical delete). For more information see Batch Interface, section Deletion Strategy.
Record Deletion via a DELETE Request
DELETE http://localhost:8051/api/rest/master/masters/party/302003
   "result": "ok",
   "records": {
       "id": 302003,
       "recordChange": "DELETE"

Override Interfaces

Instance Records

Requests on the instance layer use the following parameters for record identification.

Parameter Description


Instance table name as defined in the model.


ID of the record.

You can use attributeName either in the URI or in the request body to specify one or more attributes involved in the request.

Listing Record Overrides

Use the following request to get the original value of the attribute before an override has been set. The request body is empty.

GET /instance/{entity}/{id}/override/{attributeName}
  "recordType": "instance",
  "entityType": "party",
  "recordId": 1982,
  "overrides": [
      "attributeName": "src_first_name",
      "value": "John"

Use the following request to get the list of all attributes with overrides and their values before the override has been set. The request body is empty.

GET /instance/{entity}/{id}/override
  "recordType": "instance",
  "entityType": "party",
  "recordId": 1982,
  "overrides": [
      "attributeName": "src_first_name",
      "value": "John"
      "attributeName": "src_last_name",
      "value": "Smith"
Setting Overrides

Use the following request to set an override on a particular attribute. Specify value in the request body. The response is empty.

PUT /instance/{entity}/{id}/override/{attributeName}
{"value": "John"}

Use the following request to set overrides on several attributes. Specify both the attributeName and value in the request body. The response is empty.

PUT /instance/{entity}/{id}/override
  "overrides": [
      "attributeName": "src_first_name",
      "value": "John"
      "attributeName": "src_last_name",
      "value": "Smith"
Deleting Overrides

Use the following request to delete an override on a particular attribute. Both the request and response body are empty.

DELETE /instance/{entity}/{id}/override/{attributeName}

Use the following request to delete all overrides currently set on a record. Both the request and response body are empty.

DELETE /instance/{entity}/{id}/override

Master Records

Requests on the master layer use the following parameters for record identification.

Parameter Description


Name of the master layer/view


Instance table name as defined in the model.


ID of the record.

You can use attributeName either in the URI or in the request body to specify one or more attributes involved in the request.

Listing Record Overrides

Use the following request to get the original value of the attribute before an override has been set. The request body is empty.

GET /master/{viewName}/{entity}/{id}/override/{attributeName}
  "recordType": "master",
  "entityType": "party",
  "recordId": 1982,
  "overrides": [
      "attributeName": "cmo_first_name",
      "value": "John"
  "viewName": "masters",

Use the following request to get the list of all attributes with overrides and their values before the override has been set. The request body is empty.

GET /master/{viewName}/{entity}/{id}/override
  "recordType": "master",
  "entityType": "party",
  "recordId": 1982,
  "overrides": [
      "attributeName": "cmo_first_name",
      "value": "John"
      "attributeName": "cmo_last_name",
      "value": "Smith"
  "viewName": "masters",
Setting Overrides

Use the following request to set overrides on one or several attributes. Specify both the attributeName and value in the request body. The response is empty.

PUT /master/{viewName}/{entity}/{id}/override
  "overrides": [
      "attributeName": "cmo_first_name",
      "value": "John"
      "attributeName": "cmo_last_name",
      "value": "Smith"
Deleting Overrides

Use the following request to delete an override on a particular attribute. Both the request and response body are empty.

DELETE /master/{viewName}/{entity}/{id}/override/{attributeName}

Use the following request to delete all overrides currently set on a record. Both the request and response body are empty.

DELETE /master/{viewName}/{entity}/{id}/override

Task Management

Single Task Operations

Assign Task

Use the following request to assign a task to a group of team members or one team member:

POST /api/rest/v2/tasks/{id}/assign

The request supports the following parameters:

Parameter Required Description



Task identifier.



Name of a new user assignee.



Name of a new group assignee.

  "id": 17,
  "status": "NEW",
  "name": "Resolve DQ issues",
  "userAssignee": "jane.smith",
  "groupAssignee": "MDM_viewer",
  "workflowName": "consolidation",
  "workflowStep": "draft",
  "entityId": "contact.master.masters",
  "created": "2022-12-09T17:56:23.359Z",
  "createdBy": "jane.smith",
  "lastEdited": "2023-08-03T06:32:51.538Z",
  "lastEditedBy": "admin",
  "type": "RECORD_CHANGE",
  "severity": "LOW",
  "automationDefinitionId": null,
  "description": "Click on record edit to fix DQ issues.",
  "records": [
      "id": 76628,
      "entityId": "contact.master.masters"
      "id": 76684,
      "entityId": "contact.master.masters"

Get Task Detail

Use the following request to get task detail information (without comments and history):

GET /api/rest/v2/tasks/{id}

The request uses the following parameter:

Parameter Required Description



Task identifier.

  "id": 19,
  "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
  "name": "Missing PIDs",
  "userAssignee": "rachel.adams",
  "groupAssignee": "MDM_user",
  "workflowName": "consolidation",
  "workflowStep": "draft",
  "entityId": "party.master.masters",
  "created": "2022-12-09T17:58:33.517Z",
  "createdBy": "jane.smith",
  "lastEdited": "2023-08-02T19:28:46.761Z",
  "lastEditedBy": "admin",
  "type": "RECORD_CHANGE",
  "severity": "LOW",
  "automationDefinitionId": null,
  "description": "Click on record edit to start fixing DQ issues. You can also perform any other actions: add missing related data, activate or deactivate record, or split an instance from the master record.",
  "records": [
      "id": 76083,
      "entityId": "party.master.masters"
      "id": 76080,
      "entityId": "party.master.masters"
      "id": 76078,
      "entityId": "party.master.masters"

Get Task History

Use the following request to get history for a specific task:

GET /api/rest/v2/tasks/{id}/history

The request uses the following parameter:

Parameter Required Description



Task identifier.

  "history": [
      "userName": "jane.smith",
      "timeStep": "2022-12-09T16:55:45.897Z",
      "action": "CREATE",
      "step": null,
      "reassign": null,
      "comment": null,
      "migrationResult": null,
      "automatedTaskConfigId": null
      "userName": "john.taylor",
      "timeStep": "2022-12-09T17:08:29.717Z",
      "action": "CREATE_DRAFT",
      "step": null,
      "reassign": null,
      "comment": "ID: 8",
      "migrationResult": null,
      "automatedTaskConfigId": null

Get Task Comments

Use the following request to get comments for a specific task:

GET /api/rest/v2/tasks/{id}/comments

The request uses the following parameter:

Parameter Required Description



Task identifier.

  "comments": [
      "userName": "jane.smith",
      "timeStep": "2022-12-09T16:52:06.904Z",
      "comment": "I think we need to get back to the product team to see how we can improve their data before they reach us"

Add Task Comment

Use the following request to add comments for a specific task:

POST /api/rest/v2/tasks/{id}/comments

The request uses the following parameter:

Parameter Required Description



Task identifier.

Sample request
POST /api/rest/v2/tasks/{id}/comments

Could you take a look at it, John?
  "comments": [
      "userName": "jane.smith",
      "timeStep": "2023-08-03T06:15:48.127Z",
      "comment": "Could you take a look at it, John?"

Delete Task

Use the following request to delete a specific task. The response is empty.

DELETE /api/rest/v2/tasks/{id}

The request uses the following parameter:

Parameter Required Description



Task identifier.

Bulk Task Operations

Create Multiple Tasks

Use the following request to create multiple tasks:

POST /api/rest/v2/tasks
Sample request
POST /api/rest/v2/tasks
    "type": "RECORD_CHANGE",
    "name": "Missing PIDs",
    "description": "Click on record edit to start fixing DQ issues.",
    "records": [
        "id": 56787,
        "entityId": "party.master.masters"
    "workflowName": "consolidation",
    "workflowStep": "draft",
    "userAssignee": "admin",
    "groupAssignee": "MDM_user",
    "severity": "LOW"
  "createdTaskIds": [

You can add a clickable link field to the task description section in the task detail in MDM Web App. To enable the functionality, configure the application property (see MDM Server Application Properties, section Task configuration).

Update Multiple Tasks

Use the following request to update multiple tasks:

PATCH /api/rest/v2/tasks
Sample request
PATCH /api/rest/v2/tasks
    "taskId": 16,
    "userAssignee": "jane.smith",
    "groupAssignee": "MDM_viewer",
    "severity": "LOW"
    "taskId": 15,
    "name": "Matching issue (address)"
  "tasks": [
      "id": 16,
      "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
      "name": "Matching issue",
      "userAssignee": "jane.smith",
      "groupAssignee": "MDM_viewer",
      "workflowName": "consolidation",
      "workflowStep": "draft",
      "entityId": "party_proposal_k.match_proposal",
      "created": "2022-12-09T17:55:45.897Z",
      "createdBy": "jane.smith",
      "lastEdited": "2023-08-04T09:56:32.002Z",
      "lastEditedBy": "admin",
      "type": "MATCHING_PROPOSAL",
      "severity": "LOW",
      "automationDefinitionId": null,
      "description": "Fix this matching issue",
      "records": [
          "id": 76108,
          "entityId": "party_proposal_k.match_proposal"
          "id": 76107,
          "entityId": "party_proposal_k.match_proposal"
      "id": 15,
      "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
      "name": "Matching issue (address)",
      "userAssignee": "jane.smith",
      "groupAssignee": "MDM_viewer",
      "workflowName": "consolidation",
      "workflowStep": "draft",
      "entityId": "party_proposal_k.match_proposal",
      "created": "2022-12-09T17:53:34.651Z",
      "createdBy": "jane.smith",
      "lastEdited": "2023-08-04T09:56:32.002Z",
      "lastEditedBy": "admin",
      "type": "MATCHING_PROPOSAL",
      "severity": "LOW",
      "automationDefinitionId": null,
      "description": "Different addresses",
      "records": [
          "id": 76111,
          "entityId": "party_proposal_k.match_proposal"
          "id": 76113,
          "entityId": "party_proposal_k.match_proposal"

You can add a clickable link field to the task description section in the task detail in MDM Web App. To enable the functionality, configure the application property (see MDM Server Application Properties, section Task configuration).

Get Tasks

Use the following request to get tasks detail information (without comments and history):

GET /api/rest/v2/tasks

The request supports the following parameters:

Parameter Required Description



Set to true to return active tasks, false to return closed tasks. Default value is true.



Filters tasks created after specified date (for example, 2022-12-09T16:27:40.359Z, 2011-12-03).



Filters tasks created before specified date (for example, 2022-12-09T16:27:40.359Z, 2011-12-03).



Filters tasks updated after specified date (for example, 2022-12-09T16:27:40.359Z, 2011-12-03).



Filters tasks updated before specified date (for example, 2022-12-09T16:27:40.359Z, 2011-12-03).



Used for pagination. Defines how many items are skipped before returning results.



Used for pagination. Specifies the number of the page to return. The number of records on each page is defined by count.



Specifies the number of records included in the response.

  "tasks": [
      "id": 19,
      "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
      "name": "Missing PIDs",
      "userAssignee": "rachel.adams",
      "groupAssignee": "MDM_user",
      "workflowName": "consolidation",
      "workflowStep": "draft",
      "entityId": "party.master.masters",
      "created": "2022-12-09T17:58:33.517Z",
      "createdBy": "jane.smith",
      "lastEdited": "2023-08-02T19:28:46.761Z",
      "lastEditedBy": "admin",
      "type": "RECORD_CHANGE",
      "severity": "LOW",
      "automationDefinitionId": null,
      "description": "Click on record edit to start fixing DQ issues. You can also perform any other actions: add missing related data, activate or deactivate record, or split an instance from the master record.",
      "records": [
          "id": 76083,
          "entityId": "party.master.masters"
          "id": 76080,
          "entityId": "party.master.masters"
          "id": 76078,
          "entityId": "party.master.masters"
      "id": 20,
      "status": "NEW",
      "name": "We need to fix this NPI!",
      "userAssignee": null,
      "groupAssignee": "MDM_user",
      "workflowName": null,
      "workflowStep": null,
      "entityId": "facility.master.provider",
      "created": "2022-12-09T18:06:35.521Z",
      "createdBy": "john.taylor",
      "lastEdited": "2022-12-09T18:06:35.521Z",
      "lastEditedBy": "john.taylor",
      "type": "RECORD_CHANGE",
      "severity": "HIGH",
      "automationDefinitionId": null,
      "description": "Click on record edit to fix DQ issues.",
      "records": [
          "id": 81540,
          "entityId": "facility.master.provider"
      "id": 21,
      "status": "NEW",
      "name": "New record - Mark Dough",
      "userAssignee": null,
      "groupAssignee": "MDM_user",
      "workflowName": null,
      "workflowStep": null,
      "entityId": "party.master.masters",
      "created": "2022-12-09T18:12:08.253Z",
      "createdBy": "john.taylor",
      "lastEdited": "2022-12-09T18:12:08.253Z",
      "lastEditedBy": "john.taylor",
      "type": "CREATE",
      "severity": "LOW",
      "automationDefinitionId": null,
      "description": "Mark Dough, born 1973-09-16. I will just write down what I know",
      "records": []

Get Tasks for Specific Record

Use the following request to get tasks for a specific record:

GET /api/rest/v2/tasks/record/{recordId}

The request supports the following parameters:

Parameter Required Description



Record identifier.



Entity identifier.

  "tasks": [
      "id": 19,
      "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
      "name": "Missing PIDs",
      "userAssignee": "rachel.adams",
      "groupAssignee": "MDM_user",
      "workflowName": "consolidation",
      "workflowStep": "draft",
      "entityId": "party.master.masters",
      "created": "2022-12-09T17:58:33.517Z",
      "createdBy": "jane.smith",
      "lastEdited": "2023-08-02T19:28:46.761Z",
      "lastEditedBy": "admin",
      "type": "RECORD_CHANGE",
      "severity": "LOW",
      "automationDefinitionId": null,
      "description": "Click on record edit to start fixing DQ issues. You can also perform any other actions: add missing related data, activate or deactivate record, or split an instance from the master record.",
      "records": []
      "id": 33,
      "status": "NEW",
      "name": "Issue with PID on personal record",
      "userAssignee": "",
      "groupAssignee": "MDM_user",
      "workflowName": "consolidation",
      "workflowStep": "draft",
      "entityId": "party.master.masters",
      "created": "2023-03-20T22:27:56.395Z",
      "createdBy": "admin",
      "lastEdited": "2023-03-20T22:27:56.395Z",
      "lastEditedBy": "admin",
      "type": "RECORD_CHANGE",
      "severity": "INTERMEDIATE",
      "automationDefinitionId": 1,
      "description": "Missing or invalid PID",
      "records": []

Task Workflow

Move Task to a New Step

Use the following request to move a task to a new workflow step, see Configuring Workflows, section Default master data workflow. To learn how to discard a task, see Discard Task.

POST /api/rest/v2/tasks/{id}/move/{transition}

The request supports the following parameters:

Parameter Required Description



Task identifier.



Name of the transition, defined under GUI Configuration > Workflow Configuration, see Configuring Workflows.

  "id": 19,
  "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
  "name": "Missing PIDs",
  "userAssignee": null,
  "groupAssignee": "MDM_user",
  "workflowName": "consolidation",
  "workflowStep": "waiting_for_publish",
  "entityId": "party.master.masters",
  "created": "2022-12-09T17:58:33.517Z",
  "createdBy": "jane.smith",
  "lastEdited": "2023-08-04T10:29:46.101Z",
  "lastEditedBy": "admin",
  "type": "RECORD_CHANGE",
  "severity": "LOW",
  "automationDefinitionId": null,
  "description": "Fix DQ issues.",
  "records": [
      "id": 76083,
      "entityId": "party.master.masters"
      "id": 76080,
      "entityId": "party.master.masters"
      "id": 76078,
      "entityId": "party.master.masters"

Discard Task

Use the following request to discard a specific task (for more information about discarding tasks, see Resolving Tasks, section Discard Task). The response is empty.

POST /api/rest/v2/tasks/{id}/discard

The request uses the following parameter:

Parameter Required Description



Task identifier.

Sample request
POST /api/rest/v2/tasks/{id}/discard

Task discarded comment

Stream Consumers

Use the following request to start a stream consumer <crm_stream_name>.

POST /api/rest/interfaces/streaming/consumers/<crm_stream_name>/start

Use the following request to stop a stream consumer <crm_stream_name>.

POST /api/rest/interfaces/streaming/consumers/<crm_stream_name>/stop

Use the following request to start all stream consumers.

POST /api/rest/interfaces/streaming/consumers/start

Use the following request to stop all stream consumers.

POST /api/rest/interfaces/streaming/consumers/stop


Use the following request to initiate a housekeeping procedure. Completely purges all records with eng_existing=0 and whose deletion was already provided (that is, exported) in all configured incremental batch exports.

To check if record deletion was provided in an incremental batch export, you can compare the record deletion_tid and the batch export TREF values in the _EXPORT_REG table. Record deletion has been already provided if deletion_tid is lower than TREF of batch exports.

Because of this, records that were deleted after executing some incremental batch export are not purged. To force purging of such records, you can provide the names of incremental batch exports that should be ignored in the request body.

POST /api/rest/purge/
{"ignored": ["incrementalBatchExport1", "incrementalBatchExport2"]}

The operation is visible in the ONE Runtime Server Admin under MD Process Monitoring > Execution Status (see MD Process Monitoring).


Use the following request to drop indices in VLDB persistences. If some indices were created/deleted manually by a user, the operation will fail.

DELETE /api/rest/persistence/indices

Use the following request to create indices in VLDB persistences. If some indices were created/deleted manually by a user, the operation will fail.

POST /api/rest/persistence/indices

Use the following request to start the LTC (transaction garbage collector) for all VLDB persistences.

POST /api/rest/persistence/triggerLtc

Use the following request to start the LTC for the VLDB persistence {name}.

POST /api/rest/persistence/{name}/triggerLtc

System Parameters

Prints out the currently set runtime parameters (see Runtime Parameters).


Source Systems

List the source systems and information about them.


Tasks (System Tasks)

Provides information about active and finished system tasks, identical to what is provided under MD Process Monitoring > Execution Status (see MD Process Monitoring) in the ONE Runtime Server Admin. Query parameters offset and count are not compulsory; if they are not present, default values are used instead.


Event Handlers

Provides information about the event handlers, identical to what is provided under MD Process Monitoring > Execution Status (see MD Process Monitoring) in the ONE Runtime Server Admin. Query parameters offset and count are not compulsory; if they are not present, default values are used instead.



Shows various statistics regarding instance types, instance records, master views, and their records. The information is identical to what is provided under MD Process Monitoring > Data Statistics (see MD Process Monitoring) in the ONE Runtime Server Admin.


Draft Migration

Use the following request to migrate drafts to tasks when upgrading to the version 14.2.0.

POST /api/rest/drafts/migration

The request supports the following parameters:

Parameter Description


If history=true, the history draft table is migrated. The default value is false.


If delete=true, the old drafts are deleted after successful migration. The default value is false.

Use the following request to delete old drafts when they are successfully migrated to tasks.

DELETE /api/rest/drafts/migration

The request uses the following parameter:

Parameter Description


If history=true, the history drafts are deleted. The default value is false.

Other Interfaces

The endpoints indicated below show interfaces which provide information about MDM configuration.

  1. Services: Shows a list of deployed native SOAP services and their endpoints.

  2. Batch exports and Batch loads: Show a list of batch operations and loads which are unavailable.

  3. Streaming consumers: Shows a list of streaming consumers which are configured, get name and status.

  4. Operation plan: Shows the MDM engine’s order of executing different consolidation sub-tasks when loading/processing data (that is, cleansing, matching and merging of specific entities).


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