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Creating RDM Email Templates

Email templates in RDM are used for configuring table-specific record change notifications, workflows, and summary notifications. Email templates are defined in the Workflow Configuration > Emails subnode.

Create an email template

  1. Right-click Emails > New email.

  2. Fill in Email template attributes.

  3. Select OK to save changes.

    Email template example

Email template attributes

Name Required Description



Name of the email template used in the configuration process.



Subject of the email displayed to the recipient.



Body of the email message in the HTML format. Message examples are provided in Email template examples and can be used as they are.

For in-depth explanation of supported variables, see Message variables.

Email template examples

Regular notifications

Sample email template Example preview

New record rejected

<p>Dear colleagues,<p>

<p>A record has been rejected in the reference book $tableLabel$:<br/>
$columns:{item|$item.columnLabel$: <i>$item.value$</i><br/>}$
username: $username$</p>

<p>You can see the rejected record in the system by clicking on this link:
<a href="$detail_href$">rejected record detail</a></p>
<p>Best regards,<br/>
Reference Data Management System</p>

Dear colleagues,

A record has been rejected in the reference book
102: Branch:
Name: Guelph test 4
Code: guelph02
Branch Manager: John Smith
Phone: (516) 324-7777
Address: 49 Kent Street
Valid From: 2013-11-01 00:00:00.0

You can see the new record in the system by clicking on this link: rejected record detail

Best regards,
Reference Data Management System

New record created

<p>Dear colleagues,<p>

<p>A new record has been created in the reference book $tableLabel$:<br/>
$changes:{item|$item.columnLabel$: <i>$item.value$</i><br/>}$</p>

<p>You can see the new record in the system by clicking on this link:
<a href="$detail_href$">created record detail</a></p>

<p>Best regards,<br/>
Reference Data Management System</p>

Dear colleagues,

A new record has been created in the reference book
102: Branch:
Name: Guelph test 4
Code: guelph02
Branch Manager: John Smith
Phone: (516) 324-7777
Address: 49 Kent Street
Valid From: 2013-11-01 00:00:00.0

You can see the new record in the system by clicking on this link: created record detail

Best regards,
Reference Data Management System

Record edited

<p>Dear colleagues,</p>

<p>A record has been updated in the reference book $tableLabel$:<br/>
$changes:{item|old value: <i>$item.oldValue$</i> -> new value: <i>$item.value$</i> for column <i>$item.columnLabel$</i><br/>}$</i></p>

<p>The changes are now available in the system by clicking on this link:
<a href="$detail_href$">updated record detail</a></p>

<p>Best regards,<br/>
Reference Data Management System</p>

Dear colleagues,

A record has been updated in the reference book
102: Branch:
old value: Augustin Noble → new value: Vanessa Lewinsky for column Branch Manager

The changes are now available in the system by clicking on this link: updated record detail

Best regards,
Reference Data Management System

Summary notifications

Email template Example preview

Sample summary notification

<p>Dear colleagues,<p>
<p>The following tables have been updated:<br/>
      $root.objects.tableName:{item|<li><b>$item.object$</b> - the number of changed records: $item.count$</li>
           $item.objects.state:{item1|<li>$item1.object$: $item1.count$</li>}$

<p>Best regards,<br/>
Reference Data Management System</p>

Dear colleagues,

The following tables have been updated:

  • TABLE1 - the number of changed records: 3

    • NEW: 1

    • CHANGED: 2

  • TABLE1 - the number of changed records: 2

    • DELETED: 2

Best regards,
Reference Data Management System

Message variables

Email messages can contain information about affected tables and records.

Regular notifications variables

Regular notifications (sent after each change) support the following variables:

Name Description

Table label

Label of the table.


An enveloping variable to include change details (see the following examples); item1 can be used instead.


Column label of the specified table column.


Value of the item before the change.


Value of the item after the change.


User that made the change.


A variable containing the list of changes.


A variable containing the list of columns.


The hyperlink that leads to the record.


Application environment (such as DEV or PROD), as set in RDM Application Properties.

Summary notifications variables

Summary notifications support the following variables divided into two types:

  1. objects:

    • tableName - $root.objects.tableName:{information inside}$. Technical (database) name of the table; must be used at the beginning of the list of changes.

    • state - $item.objects.state:{state information inside}$. Provides the record state of the table (NEW, CHANGED, DELETED) and is accessible within the tableName object.

  2. attributes - Attributes of declared objects.

    • object - Either name or record state of the declared variable.

    • count - Number of affected records per state or overall for the table.

Usage examples

  • $root.objects.tableName:{table_variable|$table_variable.object$}$ - Writes names of affected tables.

  • $root.objects.tableName:{table_variable|$table_variable.count$}$ - Writes counts of changes in affected tables.

  • $table_variable.objects.state:{count_variable|$count_variable.object$}$ - Writes names of record states.

  • $table_variable.objects.state:{count_variable|$count_variable.count$}$ - Writes counts of all record states.


  • $ object :{ object_variable_declaration |$ object_variable_call . attribute }$


  • object - Either $root.objects.tableName or accessible within it table_variable.objects.state.

  • object variable declaration - Variable name of the object (can be anything).

  • | - A separator between object and object variable declaration and object references.

  • object variable call - Calls a declared variable.

  • attribute - Either object or count (see previous section for explanation).

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