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Preparing Web Service Configurations for Writing Data

The following steps explain how to prepare a web service configuration for writing (importing) data to RDM tables. The configuration results in a set of plan files and one .online file containing the web service configuration.

Step 1 Understand the online import task anatomy

Defining a web service configuration for writing (importing) data has the following hierarchical structure:

  • Online Task = one .online file (one service with a specific URL location).

    • Table = One plan and SOAP action.

Several tables can be made available for writing from the same URL location, but each will have its own SOAP action.

Online Import Task Anatomy

Step 2 Prepare web service definition in the RDM project

  1. Expand Synchronization > Online > Online (imports).

  2. Right-click Online (imports) and select New Online task.

  3. Specify the service name Name.

  4. Configure Authentication Strategy. See App Variables for information about authentication strategies.

  5. Under Tables, specify which tables can be updated by the service:

    • Name - Select an existing table.

    • Incremental - Determines the import mode:

      • unchecked = FULL mode (matched records are updated, records not present in the request are deleted).

      • checked = Incremental mode (matched records are updated, records not present in the request are not touched).

        A unique key must be set up to match and compare existing and incoming records. See Tables.
  6. Select OK to save the configuration.

    A new configuration appears under Synchronization > Online > Online (imports) listing the affected tables.

  7. Right-click the newly created task and select Generate online file and plan(s).

    The .online file is generated to Files > onlineServices and all dependent plans are generated into Files > plans > synchronization > onlines > imports.

    The naming conventions are as follows:

    • Online file: [task_name], for example,

    • Plans: [task_name]_[table_name]_import.plan, for example, newtask_PRODUCTS_import.plan.

Typically, generated files do not require modification, the configuration is ready for testing and deployment.

Step 3 Configure service endpoints

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