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Run DPM Job

Run DPM Job icon

Starts processing of a plan or component using remote Data Processing Module (DPM).

Configuration parameters

Name Type Description

Main Plan


Points to the main ONE plan that should be executed.

Main Plan Path


The path to the main plan at the remote site. If not defined, the local path is used by default.

Runtime Configuration


Points to the runtime configuration that should be applied.

ONE Platform


The name of your instance of ONE Platform.



Sets the priority of the job in the DPM job queue. The default value is 0.

The higher the value, the higher the priority.



If set to true, when running a job locally, processing results are zipped and stored in the temporary workflow directory (starting with wfinst).



If set to true, DPM waits until the job is finished and downloads the results. Otherwise, DPM only submits the job.

By default, jobs are executed synchronously (async=false).

Force Cluster Launch


If set to true, the workflow task is always processed using ONE Spark DPE.

Cluster Name


The name of the Spark cluster on which the job should be executed.

To get a list of available clusters, run the command datasourceConfigList (no parameters required).

For example:

$ ./ datasourceConfigList -h localhost -p 8531 -u admin -p admin

Cluster User


Sets the Spark cluster credentials. Used if the credentials are not provided in the default configuration or if you want to use another set of credentials.

If Spark credentials are not provided, the authentication is skipped.

Cluster Password


Sets the password for the Spark user. If not provided, the password file is checked instead.

Cluster Password File


Points to the file that contains the password for the Spark cluster.

Working Dir


The absolute path of the working directory from which relative paths are computed. If not set, it defaults to the current working folder. If set to /, all relative paths are resolved to the root.

Must be defined as an absolute path.

Root Dir


For Unix-like paths, if not specified, the system default is used (/).



Points to additional input files, such as lookups, components, CSV files:

  • Path (optional): Path to the file on ONE Platform.

  • Resource: Enter the local path. You can also use wildcards here.



Points to files from ONE Object Storage. Consists of two values, the first one being the path that Executor uses when running the job, the second one a link that refers to the actual location of the file in the Object Storage.

Path Vars


Defines additional path variables. For more information about workflow variables, see Expressions in Workflows. Paths and other string values to files need to be enclosed in double quotes, for example: "path".



If using parametrized components, this parameter is used to configure those parameters. Each argument takes two values: a key and a value.

Mount Drivers


Used if the job needs access to a database. DPM and DPE add this database driver into the runtime configuration, in the <drivers> element.

If a connection is already defined, it should point to the driver name (<datasource driverName="<driver_name>" …​>).

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