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Ataccama 13.3.0 Release Notes

This page contains the release notes for the release of version 13.3.0 of the entire Ataccama ONE Gen2 platform. Release information affecting all modules in the platform can be found in the first section, whereas platform and module specific information can be found in the ONE, MDM and RDM sections.

Release Information


ONE Data Governance, ONE Data Quality and Governance, ONE RDM, ONE MDM

Release date



Known Issues

These issues could impact the functionality of your build; make sure to check them before proceeding with the upgrade.
Module Issue To be resolved in


ONE-25015: Issue with relationship foreign key type (fix included in JIRA ticket).



ONE-25022: Bug in filtering of string columns in remote read step.



ONE-25239: MDM History Event Handler fails.

Workaround: Before migration or upgrade, all events have to be committed and event storage has to be empty.



ONE-27130: After upgrade, RDM workflows are by default disabled and need to be enabled manually.


ONE Web App

Bug in history tab versions numbering.


ONE Web App

Incorrect results of testing the component rules from the Test Rule functionality (the component rules functionality itself works correctly).



ONE-33115: A metadata import or MANTA processing job remains in the RUNNING status and prevents other queued jobs from starting. For more information, see one-troubleshooting-guide.adoc.


Known issues resolved

We report known issues in each release. Below is the list of the issues that have been resolved across the platform for this version.

Module Issue Reported in

ONE Desktop

ONE-23846: In some cases when working on ONE plans the server validation may expire after longer periods of time and users are not able to run remote execution etc.

Workaround: Disconnect and reconnect to the ONE Platform server to dispose of authentication tokens and create them again.


ONE Web Application

ONE-24055: It is possible to create new property filters without defining the target Property. This will not function, but validations are not working so no error is thrown.



ONE-24158: It is not possible to upgrade Oracle-based projects from version 12.x to 13.0-13.2 due to incompatibility in column naming.



ONE-24177: Parts of MDM Webapp will not work correctly when app server context path is used.


ONE Web Application

ONE-24745: Unable to add more than 10 catalog items to a monitoring project.



ONE Desktop

Pinning Favorite Items in ONE desktop

Right-click any ONE Platform item such as a catalog item or a component and select Pin in Explorer to always show it at the top of the list of items.

ataccama 13.3.0 release notes favorite items one desktop

Displaying Source of Virtual Catalog Items

During creation of a virtual catalog item you can base your new item on an existing catalog item. The source catalog item is now displayed during Virtual Catalog Item wizard.

ataccama 13.3.0 release notes display source one desktop

Working with Child Entities of Embedded Entity Streams

A new tab called Child Entities is now available for Embedded Streams in ONE Metadata Reader step. Click Select Child Entities to select from sub-entities of any embedded stream.

ataccama 13.3.0 release notes embedded entities streams one desktop

ONE Web Application

Restoring a Previous Version of an Entity

It is now possible to use the History tab of an entity to roll back changes made to that entity. To do this, select the required entity and navigate to the History tab. For the version you would like to restore, either expand the more options menu and select Revert to this version, or click on the version from the list to open it and select Revert to this version.

Copying Monitoring Project Configurations

When two or more monitoring projects should have a similar configuration, it is possible to import the configuration of one monitoring project to the new project, instead of configuring the new project from scratch. It is useful, for example, when you want to import configuration from testing to a production project. Configuration import will include:

  1. All checks (structure checks, anomaly detection, DQ checks)

  2. Invalid samples

  3. Reports structure

  4. Copy DQ filters

Adding a Purpose Tag

It is now possible to assign a custom tag, Purpose, to catalog items and monitoring projects.

By setting a purpose you can do the following:

  • Indicate the affiliation of the catalog item or monitoring project to a specific environment (development, test or production).

  • Indicate the affiliation of a catalog item and monitoring project to each other.

  • Indicate the relation of the similar tables with countries the data refers to (USA, UK, Germany…​).

ataccama 13.3.0 release notes purpose tag

Linking Catalog Items

Linked instances is used to link different instances of a catalog item, i.e. instances of the same catalog item with a different purpose. This will help when mapping catalog items during project configuration import. Click on the Link catalog item button to link the current item to one or multiple catalog items. Click on the Unlink from related items button to remove the selected item from any linked groups.

ataccama 13.3.0 release notes linking catalog items

The Linked instances widget has been added to the Overview tab for catalog items.

Scheduler on Catalog Items

The Scheduler on catalog items allows you to schedule two types of events:

  1. Profiling

  2. DQ Evaluation

Both events can be scheduled on particular partitions, if the catalog item has any.

Filtering DQ Results by Attribute

It is possible to use attributes as a filter when searching DQ results. Filters let you view the results for a data source limited by a specific attribute. For example, in case of customer data, you might want to see data quality state by customer type or gender.

Using attributes with many unique values as a filter can impact performance.

Reasons for Invalidity in DQ Components

It is now possible to set reasons for the invalidity of a component according to a rule, by configuring Results on the Implementation tab of the component.

Web App Configuration

Available for power users only.

Displaying Entities on the Metadata Model Graph

It is now possible to display all the manually created single embedded entities on the Metadata Model Graph. Relationships between the entities, if any, are also displayed on the graph.

Application Validation Checks

It is now possible to to validate the state of the application in the Upgrade Center. The MD and system validations are predefined, however, you can configure which validations should be run. The results of the validation runs are displayed in Organization > Validations Runs, with suggestions on how to solve validation errors that arose, if any. For validation errors connected with Ancestors and Roles the in-app solution concerns the Metadata Model. For more information, see Application Validation Checks.

Canceling Jobs in Processing Center

You can use the Processing Center to see the status of jobs in the application, view scheduled jobs, and cancel running jobs. It only possible to delete jobs whilst they are still running: completed jobs cannot be canceled.

Configuring DQ Evaluation in Profiling Flow

It is now possible to configure whether automatic DQ evaluation is triggered with the profiling flow. To enable or disable DQ evaluation for the profiling flow, configure the profiling settings on the Profiling tab in Organization.


Upgrade Notes

There are no version specific upgrade notes for 13.3.0, to determine your upgrade path see MDM Upgrade Procedure.


DATE Datatype

The DATE datatype has been further improved:

  • It can be used in expression validation in the same way as the DATETIME datatype.

  • RDM Importer now converts DQC.DAY to RDM.DATE.

  • New functions toDate('date','format') and today() have been introduced for filtering.

Variables for Column Default Values

There are two new variables that can be used as column default values: $now$ for DATETIME columns and $today$ for DATE columns. See Tables.

Upgrade Notes

There are no version specific upgrade notes for 13.3.0, to determine your upgrade path see RDM Upgrade Procedure.



ONE Desktop

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  • ONE-24275: Added ability to pin favorite items in ONE Explorer and File Explorer.

  • ONE-22681: Source of the original catalog item is now displayed in New Virtual Catalog Item wizard.

  • ONE-23765: Now you can view child entities of Embedded Entity Streams of catalog items and work with them in ONE Metadata Reader step.

  • ONE-24573: Timeout setting from Properties > Ataccama DQC > ONE Platform are now used when testing a ONE Platform connection too.

ONE Web Application

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  • ONE-23741: Disabled clickable CI path.

  • ONE-23639: Progress message for building lookups.

  • ONE-23516: Lookup default configuration.

  • ONE-23472: DQ sidebar.

  • ONE-23095: History Tab in the application is now can be used to revert changes to the previous version of entities.

  • ONE-22021: Displaying several layers of entities in Metadata Model Graph.

  • ONE-22425: Filtering DQ results by Item’s Attribute in Monitoring Projects.

  • ONE-22675: Copying the Monitoring Project configuration.

  • ONE-24018: Canceling jobs from the application.

  • ONE-24019: Setting reasons for invalidity in DQ components.

  • ONE-22896: Scheduler on Catalog Items.

  • ONE-24121: Enabling/disabling DQ runs for the profiling flow.

  • ONE-23830: Purpose and Linked items for Catalog Items.


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  • ONE-23602: ONE Desktop now supports connection to ADLS2 via Azure Managed Service Identity. We have added a new configuration parameter authType for ADLS2 runtime server configuration.

    The default value for authType is AAD_CLIENT_CREDENTIAL. Change the value to AAD_MANAGED_IDENTITY to use Azure MSI authentication. The authenticateUser parameter with true and false values remains valid for basic authentication.

  • ONE-23209: Using Azure Service Principal in Databricks authentication is now fully supported.

  • ONE-23055: Improved handling of errors for Hadoop clusters.


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  • ONE-24380: Upgrade template of guiValidations for virtual instances.

  • ONE-24371: HA listeners are no longer order-sensitive.

  • ONE-24095: Upgrade template for custom Explanation and Score columns.

  • ONE-23694: Issues with engine columns used in datasets.

  • ONE-23134: Reprocessing changes master_id and related_master_id.

  • ONE-15533: Transformation functions now only work on STRING columns.


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  • ONE-22656: DATE can be used for expression validation.

  • ONE-22654: DATE works in RDM Importer.

  • ONE-22650: DATE works in SQL filter for export.

  • ONE-22649: DATE works in advanced filters.

  • ONE-22563: Fixed table row counter.

  • ONE-18892: New variables for column default value.

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