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The Relationships sub-node in the RDM Logical Model node allows adding, modifying, and deleting parent-child relationships between tables of the RDM logical model.

In the Data Model Editor, the relationship is marked by an arrow from the child table to the parent table, with the relationship name in between.

Creating MN relationships is described in How to Create an MN Relationship in RDM.

Add a new relationship in the Model Explorer

  1. Right-click Relationships > New relationship.

  2. Fill in the attributes.

  3. Select OK to save changes.

Add a new relationship in the Data Model Editor

  1. Right-click RDM Logical Model > Edit schema. The canvas of the Data Model Editor opens, with the elements palette on the left.

  2. Select Relationship from the palette and connect the child table with the parent table (the arrow should go from the child to the parent).

  3. Double-click the newly created relationship.

  4. Fill in the attributes.

  5. Select OK and save changes.

Adding a relationship from the Data Model Designer

Relationship attributes

Attribute Required Description



Name of the relationship used in the model configuration process. The maximum length of the name is determined by the database type. The database type is set in the App Variables node.

Some names are reserved and cannot be used. See Reserved Words and Keywords.
Dashes are not supported.



Name of the relationship as shown in the web application.

Lookup type


Determines the appearance of the lookup to the parent table in the Create/Edit Detail dialog. See Working with Records in RDM, section Lookups.

Lookup types:

  • combo - Displays a combo-box containing space-separated values of columns having the Display mode attribute set to label. See Tables, section Columns.

  • window - Opens a new dialog displaying all attributes of the parent table.

Parent table


Name of the parent table (the relationship arrow leads here).

Child table


Name of the child table (the relationship arrow starts here).



SQL condition that makes only a subset of parent records satisfying this condition to be available for the child table.

Foreign key


Defines the columns of the parent and child table that create the relationship.

  • Parent column - Name of the column in the parent table.

  • Child column - Name of the column in the child table.

The condition should contain the part of an SQL query following the where logical operator. The syntax generally depends on the database type used, with one important distinction: child table column names should be put between dollar signs ($), for example,$child_column_name$.
Relationship definition

Multiple relationships between two tables

While one child table can have several relationships to the same parent table, the connection must be via different child columns, that is, you cannot connect both PARENT_COLUMN A to CHILD_COLUMN A and PARENT_COLUMN B to CHILD_COLUMN A.


Self-references are supported: make the Parent table and Child table the same.

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