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How to Add a New Column to an RDM Table

Follow these instructions when you want to add a column to an existing table that already contains data.

Required column

If the new column is supposed to have the Required attribute selected in the column definition, it cannot remain empty when deploying the new model. Such a column can be pre-filled with data using alter hints, with the following options:

  • The column is filled with a constant value.

  • The column is filled with values from a different column.

  • The column is filled with values from a different column processed by an SQL query.

Not required column

If the new column does not have to contain data when deploying the new model and can be filled with data later, but the column is supposed to be required later on, the following procedure can be used:

  1. Add a new column and specify all necessary attributes as described in Tables, section Columns, setting the Required attribute to false (leave the field cleared).

  2. Deploy the new configuration. See How to Deploy an RDM Web App Configuration.

  3. Fill in the column with data in the RDM web application or by a ONE plan (see How to Fill a New Column with Data) and publish the changes.

  4. Open the model and change the Required to true for the new column.

  5. Deploy the new configuration again.

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