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Before you begin doing any transformations or analysis of data, you need to create a project. A project is a set of multiple plans, components, data files, workflows, and custom scripts, which are usually focused on solving a specific task and are logically organized into folders. Projects and their hierarchies are physically stored in a workspace folder.

How to structure a project

The following image shows a typical file system of a ONE Desktop project with all important directories.

Typical project structure
  • bat - Batch or shell scripts for running plans in the bin folder.

  • bin - ONE plans for data cleansing and data deduplication.

  • components - Component plans used in main plans.

  • data - Data directories.

    • ext - External lookup files and lists of replacements.

      • bat - Batch or shell scripts for running plans that generate lookup files and lists of replacements in the build folder.

      • build - ONE plans for building lookups.

      • lkp - Indexed form of lookup files used by ONE Desktop procedures.

      • src - Source files (TXT, CSV) from which lookup files are generated.

    • in - Input data.

    • log - Log files from ETL processes.

    • out - Output data.

      • reports - Generated reports.

    • pro - Profiling results.

  • doc - Project documentation.

  • workflows - Project-related workflows.

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