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ONE Desktop Shortcuts

The following are ONE Desktop shortcuts organized into categories by particular viewer or editor.

A full list of keyboard shortcuts can be found by pressing Ctrl+Shift+L at any time.

To edit shortcuts, go to Window > Preferences > General > Keys.

Data Viewer

  • Ctrl+F - Find. Opens the Find dialog.

  • Ctrl+L - Show Columns. Opens the dialog where you select which columns should be visible and which hidden.

  • Ctrl+Home - Selects and reveals the top left cell.

  • Ctrl+End - Selects and reveals the bottom right cell.

SQL Editor

  • Ctrl+F - Find. Opens the Find/Replace dialog if the SQL query field has focus.

  • Ctrl+Enter - Execute. Executes the current query.

  • Ctrl+R - Read Rest. Reads the rest of the query execution.

  • Ctrl+B - Next Batch. Reads the next batch of the query execution.

  • Esc - Stop. Stops the query execution.

Profile Viewer

  • Ctrl+Shift+D - Drill-through. Displays the appropriate drill-through data.

Plan Editor

Search and navigate

  • Ctrl+F - Find. Opens the Find dialog.

  • Ctrl+G - Go to Step. Goes to step.

  • Ctrl + double-click - Opens the component definition (if the selected step is a component). It also opens the file associated with the given step.


  • Insert, Ctrl+I - Insert Step. Inserts step.

  • Drop step to connection - Attaches the step to a connection.

  • Alt + drop step to connection - Attaches the step to a connection and makes space for it.

  • Ctrl + drop step to connection - Attaches the step to a connection through Multiplicator.

  • Ctrl+Alt + drop step to connection - Attaches the step to a connection through Multiplicator and makes space for the Multiplicator.

  • Ctrl+Delete - Removes step from the connection.

  • Ctrl + drag step out of connection - Detaches the step from a connection.

  • Ctrl+Shift + drag step out of connection - Detaches the step from a connection and makes it inactive.


  • Ctrl+Shift+H - Sets horizontal layout to selected steps.

  • Ctrl+Shift+V - Sets vertical layout to selected steps.

  • Ctrl+Alt+V - Distribute Widths. Distributes selected steps or includes horizontally.

  • Ctrl+Alt+H - Distribute Heights. Distributes selected steps or includes vertically.

  • Ctrl+Alt+Left - Align Left. Aligns selected steps or includes left.

  • Ctrl+Alt+Right - Align Right. Aligns selected steps or includes right.

  • Ctrl+Alt+Up - Align Top. Aligns selected steps or includes to the top.

  • Ctrl+Alt+Down - Align Bottom. Aligns selected steps or includes to the bottom.


  • Ctrl+Shift+D - Debug. Debugs the selected step.

  • Ctrl-F11 - Run. Runs the plan or component.

Progress Viewer

  • Ctrl+G - Go to Step. Goes to the step.

  • Ctrl + double-click - Opens the component definition (if the selected step is a component).

Online Service Editor

  • Ctrl+F11 - Run. Runs an online service.

MMD Editor

  • Ctrl+G - Go to Node. Goes to the node.

  • Insert - Insert. Inserts a node.

Common shortcuts

This section contains some common shortcuts. Keep in mind that not all of these shortcuts are supported by all editors.

  • Ctrl+C - Copy.

  • Ctrl+V - Paste.

  • Ctrl+A - Select All.

  • Ctrl+Z - Undo.

  • Ctrl+Y - Redo.

  • Ctrl+S - Save.

  • Ctrl+P - Print.

  • Shift + mouse wheel - Scrolls the editor content horizontally.

  • Ctrl + mouse wheel - Zooms in and out of the editor content.

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