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Mouse Gestures in the Plan Editor

Creating and reconnecting steps in ONE plans involves, in addition to choosing and positioning the steps, a lot of reconnecting. Mouse gestures are there to simplify this, thus improving the speed of creating and modifying plans.

Basic concepts

  • The only connection that can change during any mouse gesture operation (except for the operation where some steps are deleted) is the connection onto which the step is being dragged, created, or removed.

  • You can create connections only to unconnected endpoints. If a step has endpoints that are not yet connected, a warning is displayed on the step.

    • When connecting a single unconnected step (insert or drag), the first endpoint from the left that matches the condition is used.

    • When a dragged step belongs to a subgraph, then the whole subgraph is searched for endpoints for the output connection, and the first matching endpoint is used.

    • A subgraph is searched in depth-first preorder: first the parents, then the children, first the left branch, then the right, the first left node’s endpoint, then the right.

  • Dragging a step on a connection is not enabled when no input endpoint is found.

Individual actions

Create step, reader, component onto a connection

By inserting a step or dragging a data source or component definition onto a connection, both a new element and connections are created.

Insert on a connection

If you also hold Ctrl while creating a step, a fork is created with the Multiplicator step.

Insert with Multiplicator step

Drag step, reader, component onto a connection

By dragging an existing step onto a connection, the step is seamlessly integrated into it.

Drag on a connection

If you drag while holding Ctrl, a fork is created with the Multiplicator step.

Drag with Multiplicator

Drop step on another step

By inserting a new step or component on an existing step with unconnected output, the new step is automatically connected and positioned.

Insert on step

Delete step from connection

When pressing Ctrl+Del on the selected step, it is deleted while preserving the actual connection.

Delete step from connection

Drag step out of connection

When dragging the connected step while holding Ctrl, the step is detached from the connection. If you drag the step while pressing Ctrl+Shift instead, the detached step is also made inactive.

Remove step from connection

Summary of actions and possible key modifiers

Action No key modifier Ctrl pressed Shift pressed Alt pressed

Drag step on connection

Connect step into the connection.

Make a fork and connect.

Shift nodes to make space.

Create step on connection

Create and connect to the existing connection.

Make a fork, create, and connect.

Shift nodes to make space.

Drop step on step

Create and connect with the existing step.

Shift nodes to make space.

Drag connected step

Simple drag.

Detach from the connection.

Make the detached step inactive.

Delete connected step

Delete and break the connection.

Delete and preserve the connection.

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