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Server Configuration for MDM Web App

To run MDM Web App, add the following components to the Server Configuration file. The components described in this topic are presented in the order of dependency.

The MDM server file is located in the etc folder of the MDM server assembly.

The default server configuration file mdm.serverConfig for the MDM Engine is located in the Files > etc project folder.

MDM Web App backend

The MDM web application requires the MDM Web App Backend Component, whose main element configFile provides a link to the mda-config.xml file.

Reference to MDM Web App Back-end in the MDM Engine Server Config
<component class="com.ataccama.mda.server.MdaBackendComponent">

JMS Provider Component

The component maps JMS resources defined in the runtime configuration for further use in the Runtime Server.

Company-wide infrastructural JMS is preferred, however Ataccama JMS component can be used as alternative (see JMS Message Server Component).

For detailed information, see JMS Provider Component.

JMS Provider Component in MDM Engine server configuration
<component class="com.ataccama.dqc.jms.JmsProviderComponent">
The default runtime configuration file mdm.runtimeConfig for the MDM Engine is generated with the General MDM model project into the Files > etc project folder.

JMS Message Server Component

The JMS Message Server Component is used in cases where company-wide JMS is not available or for testing purposes. It is a simple JMS implementation for the backwards propagation of MDM Web App user actions. MDM Web App requires a topic in JMS to internally relay its messages. The topic shown in the example is mda.server.topic. For detailed information, see JMS Message Server Component.

JMS Server Component in MDM Engine Server Config
<component class="com.ataccama.server.component.jms.message.server.JmsMessageServerComponent">
                <queue name="esb.event.queue" />
                <topic name="mda.server.topic" />

DQIT Server Component

DQIT Server Component creates the Issue Tracker repository structure (database tables) and works as a backend engine processing issue creation, changes in the workflow state, and so on. See Enabling Issue Management for more information.

DQIT MDM Web App Server Component

DQIT MDA Server Component enables the integration of data issue tracking and resolution within MDM Web App. The component connects works in pair with the DQIT Server Component.

User Settings Component

User Settings Component stores MDM Web App user settings, either in the memory or in a database.

Sample User Settings Component Configuration
<component class="com.ataccama.server.component.usersettings.UserSettingsComponent">
    <!-- <userSettingsFactory class="com.ataccama.usersettings.inmemory.InMemoryUserSettingsFactory"/> -->
    <userSettingsFactory class="com.ataccama.usersettings.jdbc.JdbcUserSettingsFactory" dataSource="mdc_db" prefix="us_"/>

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