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Adding an HTTP Listener

This simple guide describes how to setup a new HTTP online listener. Listeners handle web service requests and are sometimes referred to as ports.

Listener configuration is maintained in Files > etc > mdm.serverConfig (in your MDM project).

A server usually has at least one HTTP listener configured (named default) to enable access to the administration web console and data providing using native services (assuming a service endpoint is defined). To add a new HTTP listener, edit the proper configuration file by adding a listener element into the HttpDispatcher component like in the definition shown below (use XPath: //component[@class="com.ataccama.dqc.web.HttpDispatcher"]/listeners).

The listener must have a unique name and port in the component definition. The configuration allows other optional attributes enabling SSL, filtering, and buffering requests into workerqueues.

It is a good practice to configure one listener for administration purposes to enable the access to the web console and online command requests (like start batch load, switch to read-only mode and so on) at any time, and to have another port available for data-providing native services with a designated worker configuration.
<component class="com.ataccama.dqc.web.HttpDispatcher">
        <listener name="default" port="8888" threads="10" ssl="false">
            <handlerSecurity class="">
                    <interceptUrl pattern="/xmlRpcOverHttp/**" access="permitAll"/>
                    <interceptUrl pattern="/soapOverHttp/**" access="permitAll"/>
        <worker name="wq_default"
                <mapping listener="default" urlPattern="/soapOverHttp"/>

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