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Drill-through Database Configuration

Traditional relational database management systems (RDBMS) might struggle when profiling drill-through storage (see Configure the Profiling Step) due to their limitations on row size and number of columns and functionalities not needed for drill-through, such as transactions and row-locking, joins and nested queries, incremented backup.

The drill-through database (DTDB) is designed to help remediate such issues. It is a simpler but much more efficient storage when it comes to drill-through features.

Configure DTDB

As a prerequisite, make sure Java 1.7+ is installed.

To configure the DTDB:

  1. Create an empty folder dtdb_data at the same location as the server configuration file.

  2. Turn on and configure the DTDB server component in the server configuration file:

    <component class="com.ataccama.dqc.dtdb.server.DtDbServerComponent" folder="./dtdb_data" port="5103"/>
  3. Start the DTDB by running the start.bat script in <ATACCAMA_HOME>/server folder.

  4. Configure a connection to the DTDB using one of these options (select DTDB in the Database type field):

    1. Fill in the database connection details as follows:

      • Host: localhost.

      • Port: The port set in the DtDbServerComponent (for example, 5103).

      • Catalog name: syscat.

      • Username: sys.

      • Password: sys.

    2. Use the URL connection string with the following parameters:

      • Connection string: jdbc:dtdb:remote:localhost:5103;syscat.

      • Username: sys.

      • Password: sys.

  5. Connect to the DTDB, open it in the SQL Editor, and execute these functions:

    Make sure to use single quotes (') in functions.
    Function name Description


    Creates new catalog 'newCatalog'.


    Uses new catalog 'newCatalog'.


    Creates new schema 'newSchema'.

    updateUser('username', 'password')

    Creates new user 'username' with password 'password'.

  6. Redefine the connection to the DTDB to use the newly created catalog and user using one of these options:

    1. Fill in the database connection details as follows:

      • Host: localhost.

      • Port: The port set in the DtDbServerComponent (for example, 5103).

      • Catalog name: newCatalog.

      • Username: <username>.

      • Password: <password>.

    2. Use the URL connection string with the following parameters:

      • Connection string: jdbc:dtdb:remote:localhost:5103;newCatalog.

      • Username: <username>.

      • Password: <password>.

        You have now established a working connection to the DTDB with the functional drill-through feature.

DTDB server component

The component enables a proprietary Drill-throuongh Database (DTDB) optimized for drill-through access to the profiling results. To add the component to ONE Runtime Server, add the following definition to the server configuration:

<component folder="./dtdb_data" port="5103" disabled="false" class="com.ataccama.dqc.dtdb.server.DtDbServerComponent"/>
Property Default value Required Description




Relative (to the server configuration file) or absolute path to the target folder for storing the profiling results. The folder has to be created before you start the server.




Port used for connection to the DTDB. If not specified, the default value 5103 is used.

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