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Metamodel Services
This service bundle provides detailed information about the underlying MDM hub data model. Services are read-only and the model cannot be changed this way.
<service class="com.ataccama.nme.internal.engine.services.handlers.ModelServiceBundle" />
We use a placeholder instance entity Example , a placeholder master entity Example , and a placeholder Master View Mv to illustrate the functionality of services.
The service retrieves the complete MDM hub data model (all entities and their relationships, master views, dictionaries). The request is empty.
Sample request
Get model response
<entity name="address">
<column name="id" type="LONG_INT"/>
<column name="source_id" type="STRING" size="1000"/>
<column name="master_id" type="LONG_INT"/>
<column name="party_source_id" type="STRING" size="200"/>
<column name="src_type" type="STRING" size="2000"/>
<relationship parentEntity="party" name="party" parentKeyColumn="source_id" childEntity="address" childKeyColumn="party_source_id"/>
<entity name="rd_address_type">
<column name="id" type="LONG_INT"/>
<column name="source_id" type="STRING" size="1000"/>
<column name="master_code" type="STRING" size="1000"/>
<column name="master_name" type="STRING" size="1000"/>
<system name="crm"/>
<system name="life"/>
<system name="hub_reference_data"/>
<masterView name="masters">
<entity name="address">
<column name="id" type="LONG_INT"/>
<column name="party_master_id" type="LONG_INT"/>
<column name="cmo_type" type="STRING" size="30"/>
<column name="cmo_street" type="STRING" size="100"/>
<column name="cmo_city" type="STRING" size="100"/>
<column name="cmo_state" type="STRING" size="100"/>
<column name="cmo_zip" type="STRING" size="100"/>
<relationship parentEntity="party" name="party" parentKeyColumn="id" childEntity="address" childKeyColumn="party_master_id"/>
<relationship parentEntity="address" name="instances" parentKeyColumn="id" childEntity="address_instance" childKeyColumn="master_id"/>
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