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Spring Security Configuration

In order to enable Spring Security for the ONE Runtime Server Admin, you need to prepare an XML file containing the authentication parameters and configure ONE Runtime Server to use that configuration.

Define the Spring Security XML configuration file

  1. Create a new XML file in <ATACCAMA_HOME>/runtime/server/etc. For the purpose of this tutorial, the new file name is new-spring-security.xml.

  2. Copy the following contents to the file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <beans:beans xmlns=""
        <http authentication-manager-ref="simpleAuthManager">
            <intercept-url pattern="/console/licenses/" access="hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')"/>
            <intercept-url pattern="/console/**" access="isAuthenticated()"/>
                delete-cookies="JSESSIONID" />
            <csrf disabled="true"/>
        <authentication-manager id="simpleAuthManager">
                    <user name="admin" password="${admin.password}" authorities="ROLE_USER, ROLE_ADMIN"/>
                    <user name="test" password="test" authorities="ROLE_USER"/>
        <beans:bean class="">
            <beans:property name="locations" value="./"/>
    Alternatively, you can use the following file as a template: <ATACCAMA_HOME>/runtime/server/etc/spring-security.xml. In that case, you need to configure the http element as well.
  3. Edit the user-service element as needed to add or remove users and change their passwords or permissions.

Set up the server configuration

If you choose to edit an existing server configuration instead of creating a new one, carefully review your configuration before proceeding with steps 7-9 in order to avoid removing any necessary settings or components.
  1. Launch ONE Desktop.

  2. Navigate to your project.

  3. Right-click the project name and select New > Server Configuration.

    Create new server configuration
  4. Change the name of the server configuration and select Finish. For the purpose of this tutorial, the server configuration name is springSecurity.serverConfig.

    Edit server configuration
  5. In the navigation tree of the server configuration, locate the first Listener Bean and check its port number. It should match the port number of your ONE Runtime Server Admin, typically 8888.

    Listener bean Server Admin port
  6. In the Listener Bean with the port number 8888, navigate to the Contexts > Listener Context > Security Filter node and configure it:

    • In Implementation, select Xml Spring Security.

    • In Config File, select Browse and find the XML file containing Spring Security configuration. If you used the values provided in this tutorial, the file new-spring-security.xml is located in <ATACCAMA_HOME>/runtime/server/etc.

      Listener bean security filter
  7. Go to Server Config Bean and clear Runtime Configuration as the field is optional.

    Server config bean
  8. Remove the following nodes from the Server Config Bean element:

    • The two remaining Listener Beans. A new server configuration has three Listener Beans; you need to keep only the one that you configured in step 6.

    • Workflow Server Component.

      To delete these nodes, right-click the name of the node and select Delete.

  9. Next, from Server Config Bean, navigate to the Server Components > Http Dispatcher > Servlet Filters > Logging Filter node and remove the path from Log File. The new value should be only request.log.

    Alternatively, you can change where the file request.log is stored by selecting another folder or creating the folder ../logs.

    Server config bean logging filter
  10. To run the server, select Run or press Ctrl+F11. This is the expected outcome in the console:

    2020-08-20 14:57:20 [INFO]     Starting server on localhost
    2020-08-20 14:57:20 [INFO]     Using following licenses:
    2020-08-20 14:57:20 [INFO]       C:\Users\user\emp_user_12.plf
    2020-08-20 14:57:21 [WARN]     No runtime configuration file is specified
    2020-08-20 14:57:21 [INFO]     Starting 'HttpDispatcher'
    2020-08-20 14:57:21 [INFO]     Starting 'HealthStateProviders'
    2020-08-20 14:57:21 [INFO]     Starting 'WebConsoleComponent'
    2020-08-20 14:57:21 [INFO]     Starting 'HealthStateWebConsole'
    2020-08-20 14:57:21 [INFO]     Starting 'ManagementService'
    2020-08-20 14:57:21 [INFO]     Starting 'OnlineServicesComponent'
    2020-08-20 14:57:21 [INFO]    [OnlineServicesComponent] serviceLookupFolder '../services' did not exist, new created
    2020-08-20 14:57:21 [INFO]    / Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext
    2020-08-20 14:57:22 [INFO]    [HttpDispatcher][default] Listening for HTTP requests on port 8888
    2020-08-20 14:57:22 [INFO]     Server startup complete.
    2020-08-20 14:57:32 [INFO]    [HttpDispatcher][accessLog] [1] 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 Request-response time: 00:00.052, status: 401 - / - host:localhost:8888
  11. Finally, open a browser and go to localhost:8888. To sign in, provide your credentials.

    Login form

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