Workflow and Scheduler Database Persistence Tables
This page lists all tables generated by a Workflow, Scheduler, and Notification Handler database persisters to store the Workflow, Scheduler, and Notification Handler log information.
Workflow database tables
Sequence ID generator. Counts workflow executions and adds a new row with each 100 executions and after the server restart.
Starts with value 1
in the first row and continues with the consecutive integer in the following row (that is, 1, 2, 3, and so on).
The value in the last row is used to generate IDs of individual workflows that are stored in the WISP_WF_INSTANCES table.

Contains states of the individual compensation tasks that were run when resuming the workflow.

Contains information about workflow instances. Every workflow execution inserts a row with a unique ID. Other tables use it as a foreign key in the INST_ID column.

Contains states of links between tasks. These values are used to set the correct execution state when the workflow is about to be resumed.

Contains states of local variables in the moment when the workflow execution quits (either successfully or with a failure). These values are used to set the proper execution state when the workflow is resumed.

An inList data table. Serves for fast matching of two large groups of values in a database.
The table is generated automatically by the SQL Layer but is not used by workflows and contains no data.
Scheduler database Tables
The same prefixes apply to the Notification Handler. |
Sequence ID generator.
Counts schedule executions and adds a new row with each 100 executions and after the server restart.
Starts with value 1
in the first row and continues with the consecutive integer in the following row (that is, 1, 2, 3, and so on).
The value in the last row is used to generate IDs of individual schedules that are stored in the SCHDEF_JOB_EXEC_STATE table.

Contains information about all schedule executions. Every schedule execution inserts a row with a unique ID.

An inList data table. Serves for fast matching of two large groups of values in a database. The table is generated automatically by the SQL Layer but is not used by the scheduler and contains no data.
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