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Work with Data

From ONE Explorer, you can browse your data the same way you access it from Data Catalog in ONE.

ONE Explorer in ONE Desktop includes the following items:

  • Catalog items

  • Components

  • Lookup items

  • Monitoring projects

  • Rules

  • Terms

ONE Explorer

To read data from ONE in ONE Desktop and work with it in your plans, you can use one of the following options:

  • Catalog Item Reader step - Accesses data from different data sources defined in ONE.

    Can be used only remotely for processing in Data Processing Engines (DPE). The implementation details (such as the type of storage and credentials) are obtained from ONE.

  • JDBC Reader step - Reads data directly from a data source, without using ONE.

    Can be used locally without remote execution. All implementation details (such as the type of storage and credentials) must be stored in ONE Desktop.

Read data using Catalog Item Reader

The Catalog Item Reader Catalog Item Reader step reads from different data sources defined in ONE, automatically picks and configures the delegated reader. This step is added automatically if you drag and drop a catalog item from ONE to the canvas.

The Catalog Item Reader step can be implemented as integration input, with simple implementation (where data and other components replace the step itself directly in plans), or as a new type of component.

See also the Catalog Item Reader step documentation, including all available properties, in the product Help (Help > Help Contents).


The following example shows how to read data from a catalog item in ONE Desktop using the Catalog Item Reader step.



  1. Launch ONE Desktop.

  2. Create a plan.

  3. In ONE Explorer, select the catalog item you want to work with.

    Select catalog item
  4. Drag and drop this catalog item on the canvas.

  5. Configure the added Catalog Item Reader step by selecting which columns you want to use.

    Configure Catalog Item Reader step
  6. Add a Text File Writer step to the canvas.

  7. Connect the Catalog Item Reader and Text File Writer steps.

    Connect Catalog Item Reader and Text File Writer steps
  8. If needed, configure the Text File Writer step to edit the settings of the output text file.

  9. Run the plan.

    You can now read the data from the selected catalog item in a text file in ONE Desktop.

    Data from the catalog item in ONE
    Data from the catalog item in ONE Desktop

Read data using JDBC Reader

The JDBC Reader JDBC Reader step reads data from a JDBC data source.

See also the JDBC Reader step documentation, including all available properties, in the product Help (Help > Help Contents).


The following example shows how to read data from a PostgreSQL database table in ONE Desktop using the JDBC Reader step.


  • A connection to ONE Ataccama Platform is set up and running. See Connect to a Server, section Ataccama ONE Platform.


  1. Launch ONE Desktop.

  2. Create a plan.

  3. In ONE Data Catalog, select the catalog item you want to work with.

    ONE Data Catalog
  4. Drag and drop this catalog item on the canvas.

  5. Configure the added JDBC Reader step by selecting which columns you want to use.

    Configure JDBC Reader step
  6. When prompted to add the connection credentials, select Yes.

    Add connection credentials
  7. In Edit Database Connection, enter the database credentials and select Finish to save your changes.

    Edit database connection
  8. Add a Text File Writer step to the canvas.

  9. Connect the JDBC Reader and Text File Writer steps.

    Connect JDBC Reader and Text File Writer steps
  10. Run the plan.

    The data from the selected table can now be read in a text file in ONE Desktop.

    Data from the table in ONE Desktop

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