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Import Terms from ONE Desktop to ONE

Using ONE Desktop you can batch import terms into ONE. This tutorial shows how to import terms from a CSV file into your ONE instance using Text File Reader and ONE Metadata Writer steps. Instead of Text File Reader, you can use a different input step such as JDBC Reader or ONE Metadata Reader.

As a prerequisite, make sure you are connected to ONE. See Connect to a Server, section Ataccama ONE Platform.

  1. Prepare your file with terms. The following example shows a .csv file with several terms:

  2. Create a new plan. Drag and drop your file with terms to a new plan to automatically create a new Text File Reader step.

  3. Configure the step:

    • In Columns, add the name of the column from your data file, for example, "TERM".

    • Set the correct data type for your column.

      Configure Text File Reader
  4. Add a new ONE Metadata Writer step and configure it:

    • Server Name: Select your ONE Platform Server.

    • Entity Type: Select term.

    • Workflow State: Select the state of your terms (published).

    • Parent Type: Select metadata.

    • Parent Property: Select terms.

      Configure ONE Metadata Writer
    • In Columns, add a new column name and set the Expression to the name of the column from your data file, for example, TERM.

      Configure ONE Metadata Writer - Columns
    • In Created GID Column Name, enter TERM.

  5. Add three more ONE Metadata Writer steps that work as wrappers to be able to assign rules to your imported terms in ONE. Configure the three steps for standardization, detection, and validation rules as follows:

    • In Server Name, select the same ONE Platform server as in the previous steps.

    • In Entity Type, select termStandardizationRules, termDetectionRules, and termValidationRules respectively for each of the three wrapper steps.

      Configure ONE Metadata Writer wrappers
    • In Workflow State, select the term state (published).

    • In Parent Type, select term.

    • In Parent Property, select standardizationRules, detectionRules, and validationRules respectively.

    • For the Standardization and Validation wrapper steps, in Columns, select Load Entity Columns and add an enabled column with the value set to true.

    • For the Detection wrapper step, in Columns, select Load Entity Columns and add two columns: hasAIRuleDetection (set the value to true) and operator (set the value to OR).

    • In Parent ID Column Name, enter TERM.

    • In Created GID Column Name, enter termStandardizationRulesGid, termDetectionRulesGid, and termValidationRulesGid respectively.

      Configure ONE Metadata Writer wrappers - columns
  6. Run the plan to import the terms from your data file to ONE:

    Import terms plan
    Terms imported in ONE

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