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JMS Message Server Component

JMS Message Server Component (also called broker) is responsible for message transformation among clients. It is an out-of-the-box installation of JMS, with ActiveMQ used as the implementation.

Do not use this component for production solutions. It was designed for demo purposes only.

Instead, use any commercial or open source MQ/JMS solution like ActiveMQ or ApolloMQ.

Sample JMS Message Server component
<component class="com.ataccama.server.component.jms.message.server.JmsMessageServerComponent">
                <queue name="esb.event.queue" />
                <queue name="test.queue" />
               <topic name="mda.server.topic" />
               <topic name="test.topic" />


  • protocol, host, and port: These constitute transport connector configuration, an end point of the JMS Message Server Component, which clients (or other brokers) can connect to. This is what the clients of the JMS Server Component use as the connection URI. There are several possibilities for transport configuration (see Configuring Transports).

  • brokerName - Name of the broker.

  • dataDirectory - Path to the directory that stores message data and log files. For more information, see AMQ Message Store documentation.

  • destinations - JMS destination is an object (a JMS queue or a JMS topic) that represents the target of messages that the client produces and the source of messages that the client consumes. In point-to-point messaging, destinations represent queues; in publish or subscribe messaging, destinations represent topics.

  • queues - Queue names.

  • topics - Topic names.

  • system usage - Parameters (in MB) for managing memory and disk resources to handle non-persistent and persistent messages For more information, Understand Memory Usage in ActiveMQ and ActiveMQ Advanced Memory Tuning.

  • memoryUsage - Threshold value of JVM memory that is used to hold messages by the broker for manipulations like marshalling, caching, and so on. This value needs to be lower than the JVM heap size. If this limit is reached, messages spool to disk memory.

  • storeUsage - Disk space used by persistent messages.

  • tempUsage - Disk space used by non-persistent messages. ActiveMQ spools non-persistent messages to the disk in order to prevent the broker running out of memory.

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