Tracking Data and System Errors in RDM
System tab
The System tab is where you can find information related to error management and operation history. It is divided into two sections with the following structure:
Application data: Data-related information.
Problems: Lists tables having problems with referential data integrity.
Action History: Lists actions, like publishing, import, and export.
System entries: System information.
Error Log: Lists system-related errors, for example, lost connection.
Long ops: Provides a detailed list of system operations.

All issues connected to referential integrity of data are displayed in the Problems node in the Navigation Panel. Problems are grouped by table name, and all tables having problems connected to data are displayed by selecting the expand/collapse icon next to the Problems node.
Expand Problems and select one of the tables listed to list all invalid records in the selected table.
Select one of the entries to see more details in the panel.

Action History
Action History contains information about data publishing, import, and export, successful or failed.
Double-click Action History to open a table listing actions performed in the current session.
Select one of the entries to see more details in the panel.

Error Log
By viewing the error log, you can obtain more information and pinpoint the problems encountered with reference data operations. Selecting Error Log displays a list of all errors containing the following attributes:
Date - Information about the date and time when an error occurred.
Source - Internal name of the method.
Message - Error message describing circumstances of the given error.
Details - Information necessary to debug the error.
You can open both Message and Details values in a separate dialog by double-clicking the row representing the specific error.
To view full details about a particular error, click the row in the Error Log. This opens the Details dialog. The error details are typically used for determining the cause of the error or for error reporting.
Long Ops
Long Ops stands for "long-running operations", which are operations of extended duration that typically require larger data sets. These operations can include dump functions, publication operations, query executions, and others.
You can view long-running operations in RDM by selecting Long ops node of the System tab. The operations are sorted chronologically, with the latest operations at the top of the list.
After you select the Long ops link, a list of all long operations appears, including their details:
Start - Date and time when the operation started.
Finish - Date and time when the operation terminated.
Description - Information about the operation type.
Status - Result of the long operation (OK, Error, Fatally Failed).
Messages - Potential error message about the operation.
Progress - Shows the progress of the given operation. Once the operation is completed, it displays the number of records affected.
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